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  1. loaves

    How do you get 90+ in all subjects??

    As everyone else said, work consistently throughout the year. It'll be easier if you've chosen subjects that you're naturally good/efficient at... I've done no homework/study all year except for 1-2 days before exams and I'm still expecting to do quite well (we'll see!). This might not be the...
  2. loaves

    Are ranks really that important in your ATAR?

    Remember, ranks can shift a lot throughout the year, particularly after trials. The worst thing you could do is totally give up now and stop putting in any effort. If you truly want medicine, you'll have to work very hard and consistently to improve those ranks. However, if you are actually...
  3. loaves

    Best way to introduce a related text?

    I always introduced it in the same sentence as my core in the intro. Honestly, the markers don't really care what your text is about, only how well you can relate it to belonging.
  4. loaves

    Belonging essay introduction - please check

    I'd cut out the last sentence, as you'll be comparing/contrasting in the body of your essay and you shouldn't mention techniques in your intro. I would replace it by stating the focal points/themes that you'll be exploring in your essay (probably 2-3). Good luck! :)
  5. loaves

    History Help!!

    Looks like you'll get the mark you deserve... Time to start learning some research skills - I promise they'll be useful over the next few years.
  6. loaves

    Should i get a job in year 12?

    Yes. I quit my job in January (worked through year 11) and I easily could have kept working and just taken time off for trials and HSC. I think that having commitments besides school makes you manage your time better - you can't be like "LOL I HAVE HEAPS OF TIME I'LL DO IT LATER" when you know...
  7. loaves

    ATAR Estimation Please

    Very true! I shouldn't have generalised.
  8. loaves

    ATAR Estimation Please

    These ranks don't really mean much to anyone - you have to provide your approx school rank as well. A first at Ruse is worth more than a first at a school ranked 600.
  9. loaves

    HSC markers kept like pigs in a pen

    Wow yeah, I would put up with a bit of pig smell for $75/hour. (Though I do hope it's not for my subjects - would prefer the markers to be in a good mood when they mark my papers!)
  10. loaves

    Will doing Standard English really hurt my ATAR?

    Yep, it is generally more beneficial to do average in advanced than do well at standard. I would advise against doing standard unless you truly think you won't cope in advanced. Find out what texts your school does for both, look them up and see if you can handle them. If the school doesn't...
  11. loaves

    I need a job.

    A lot of places (Woolies/Coles included) do most their recruiting online now, so I'd start there. However, they might still be happy to take resumes in person. And in general - always try and talk to the manager. I was always finding scrunched up resumes under the registers at my work...
  12. loaves

    getting paid at work (without bank account)

    Most places won't pay cash - if they do, they're usually rather dodgy. Just go to the bank and open an account, you'll need one eventually anyway. Should only take about 5 - 10 minutes. If you already have a savings account, you might even be able to do it online (depending on the bank).
  13. loaves

    Related films about Africa or War?

    I agree with Hotel Rwanda (my History & Memory related) and Blood Diamond. However, while you may be interested in the war/African scenes, you can't let this overshadow your Belonging essay! If it's not directly linked to belonging - don't say it. You'll have to watch the movies to see if you...
  14. loaves

    Could someone please help me out with an estimate?

    84 - 88. :) Hopefully you're right about your modern HSC being higher. Good luck!
  15. loaves scam; formals cancelled at last minute

    Wow, this would suck. :( I hope everyone finds a reasonable solution/still gets a formal without spending too much money. And haha - it sounds exactly like what Today Tonight would love to do a story on. (Bonus points if the owners of yourformal are asian/middle eastern!)
  16. loaves

    What have you eaten today?

    too late.
  17. loaves

    What have you eaten today?

    weetbix couscous salad vegetarian sausage and four bean salad handful of almonds 2 oranges 1 apple ...But I'm about to go eat an enormous piece of chocolate cake for dessert, womp womp.
  18. loaves

    Best Economics Textbook

    Dixon is okay if you're looking for a basic, trimmed down study guide that's easy to cram from. However, if you're aiming for Band 6, I would advise against. Riley is excellent, very detailed but still not over the top. Combined with current trends/statistics, this will impress the markers and...
  19. loaves

    Economics tutoring

    I really don't think tutoring for eco is necessary, unless your teacher is completely hopeless and you have no self-direction whatsoever. The syllabus is so detailed and none of the concepts are particularly difficult. I'd just get a good textbook or two and make my own notes, and go through...
  20. loaves

    How do YOU prepare for exams?

    Keep your notes up to date! There's no point in wasting valuable studying time doing bitchwork like typing/writing out notes. Make a habit of catching up your notes at the end of each week for every subject, and it'll save you a lot of time in the long run that can be used to do past papers...