Hahahahahaha omg I cannot even.
(More seriously though, this is obviously yet another example of wealthy students being granted unneeded special provisions. Gross.)
Ask your teacher, they'll almost certainly recommend you like 483743 historians to look into (and further reading is good to help your understanding of the topic anyway, not just to get quotes. :) )
Bar work is only good if you don't mind working while all of your friends are going out having fun haha. Also you have to have a fairly good sense of humor to deal with all the different personalities/levels of intoxication/aggressiveness (in some cases) that you encounter.
lmao there is literally no way to prevent cheating in the HSC. The common one at my school was people hiding notes on their body and then just going to the bathroom whenever they needed to check stuff. But obviously this can't be stopped (short of a full body strip search) so idk, shit sucks.
Hahahaha - I looked it up out of curiosity and apparently it's run by Scripture Union, so you get bonus Jesus during your lockdown.
Can't believe people pay for this...
I regret not learning any proper time management skills and now I'm doomed to continue my cycle of extreme procrastination/cramming/bullshitting for the next 5 years at uni.
I would try and bump your English rank up a few places - it's not terrible at the moment, but there's no harm in improving it.
Otherwise your current ranks would give you a very good chance for 97 if you maintain them.
Re: Is it fine for teachers to reuse a hsc question but change the marking guidelines
I didn't do SOR but it definitely seems like you have a very good case. I would have been pissed if that happened in any of my subjects with a past HSC question.
Gather your evidence and raise it with the...
If you think of it as a long-term investment, the cost doesn't seem so bad. An ultrabook (or similar) is more likely to last you into your uni years so you won't have to replace it as quickly.
I got a Macbook Pro at the start of year 11 (2 years ago) and it still runs great - probably won't have...
I would save up and invest in a smaller (12 - 14") but good quality laptop and get rid of your massive one. Never saw much point in netbooks tbh, especially if you already have 2 computers.
I definitely found making notes to be helpful (and we do/did similar subjects). Because HSIE subjects tend to be so content heavy, it's good to have a concise set of notes that you can refer to, rather than having to flip through textbooks whenever you need to check something. However doing past...
In general, all selective schools froth over a good combination of grades + extra-curriculars + leadership. But in the end, your grades are what the school wants you for - to push up their HSC rankings.
Agreed. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having things planned/memorised, as long as you are willing to adapt. To be honest, I think going into an exam without pre-planned paragraphs puts you at a severe disadvantage and would really not recommend it.