yeah how bout you save that quote and come back after two terms of simple hsc homework/study and see if u agree. then after your trials have another look haha
ahaha this is why im not going on facebook for the second/third week of exams
cunts like 'fuk yerrrrr exams over ... fukn freeee ... fuk u cunts still doin exams harharhar shit cunts hav fun studyin im pullin off ma dick ... hey chicky babezz u wanr root lets go the fiddler aye ... eshayzzz...
but srs i will rush home or get to my phone and go on bos to brag how i done and mock those who haven't finish there exams yet because i finish in the first week and fap over the replies saying 'onoe i done shit i wasnt readay for the question' cause im fuckin pro
yer wut muthafucka
i used the phrase "critical evaluation" loosely (any response has implicit evaluation), don't attack a straw man. thanks for the clarification though.
note: most (if not all) of the personalities can be considered in at least one stage of their career as 'losers'.
Obviously the trend in Personalities: part (b) for the past three years is a general statement/view to test your understanding of and present an evaluation of your particular personality.
Many of the questions are quite historiographical and even philosophical in nature (e.g. events shape...
Evaluate the different stages.
Permanent/world revolution -> Leftist support through the Comintern vs. the pragmatic nature of the Commissariat of FA under Chicherin -> The short re-emergence of the 'vanguard' aspect of Bolshevism, gave up on the moderate socialists -> Stalin's return to...
Firstly, I have to say that I agree with you in regards to this "end of creativity" – but I'd love for you to explain, you seem very intelligent. I'm not familiar with the literary aspect of pomo (apart from these apparent convention-like tropes that the BOS believes all pomo texts are...