a paradigm can cover a broad movement of thought in regards to philosophy, e.g. humanist/deist paradigm of the renaissance or pragmatic/empiric paradigm of the enlightenment (british, of course), etc.
pro-tip: drop EE2 or change medium
edit: seek help from a counselor, writing a major work to relieve things won't work. write a (non-hsc) story about it somewhere else if it does help you though.
i think this guy saw the paper beforehand
BOS lurkers please investigate
cem, et al plz arrest him
however, i was ready to do both essays and i couldn't make up my mind so i done both
paddy86 said that above
but, in all seriousness, it reinforces the fact that the "major work" in HSC art is not as difficult as art students on this thread make it out to be.
fuck that i wrote an essay about baudrillard and america, which my teacher found interesting gave me full mark
the BOS external markers would only expect conventional essays to be reaching top bands
e.g. english extension 2 and the fucked up marking process with that
genre theory is gr8 dont diss
best fun in english extension wow i wish they had pure genre theory exam not crime writing or science fiction. we discuss genre because it reflects people's context mang thwaites says 'genre develop according to societal condition' fiske say genre 'embody the...
this is the method to get a low E3 and below
likely the 2 or 3 historians won't work well with the source.
edit: have you not read any of the exemplar samples?
i'm over english now
learning it was great and we did have "heated class discussions" about our texts, particularly hamlet and ted hughes' birthday letters/plath's poems but i'm selling my notes to someone from a new year of rote learners that will continue this trend.
i agree, but i think archaeological sources are the ultimate sources/evidence for questions on cultural life, art and technology. of course how can you assess a statue as an historical source if their primary purpose is to portray the depicted personality as noble figure