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  1. J

    Crime writing - creative section

    I didn't really mind it, but I can't say I had studied that much for English Extension either.
  2. J

    Section I - Core (Pompeii and Herculaneum)

    You probably should've been capped at 7/10 for not using the sources. When you are asked to use the source, you have to be sure to use it or else you're going to be gutted marks by the HSC markers. Not only do you need to refer to the sources to achieve the points for the top band of the marking...
  3. J

    Raw mark for band 6?

    Assuming you're right, I would have to say that you'd need 85-86/100 because, at least imo, it was just a bit easier than past years. Although a lot of people could think differently, and if that is so then I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  4. J

    Section III - Personalities

    I talked about revolts and taxation as well, now that I think about it. You could say he had good administration since he had put down the revolts quickly. If you expressed it well, they would consider the points just as valid as my points.
  5. J

    Section III - Personalities

    Off the top of my head, 'the satrapal triangle' (general, secretary and treasurer), religion, the law, the army (primarily defense and maintenance roles), and I did mention the Seven Noble Families (although I also said they weren't explicitly used by, or necessary for, Xerxes).
  6. J

    General Thoughts - Ancient History

    Pretty good test. I do three sections of Persia, and I found that they asked primarily military and administration, with some pragmatic aspects and interpretation of both. Pompeii and Herculaneum is often my worse section, but it didn't seem particularly tricky at all. I am definitely relieved...
  7. J

    General Thoughts - Ancient History

    How on earth did you write that much?... I recall Vespasian was the Emperor at one stage, so I believe it was imperial cult.
  8. J

    Section I - Core (Pompeii and Herculaneum)

    Can't remember, never liked Pompeii but it wasn't as tricky as I anticipated (which was a lot before I walked into the test, and a little walking out of it).
  9. J

    Section IV - Historical Periods

    Persia from Cyrus II- Darius III. Question A was a quote from an inscription from Susa whilst Question B was one about subject people. I chose Question A since I felt you could talk a lot about it. It wasn't a particular tricky question, although you did have to relate to the Source every so...
  10. J

    Section III - Personalities

    Xerxes, the questions weren't bad. They focused a lot on his administration and military which could be talked a lot about in depth. The 'Discuss Xerxes' military achievements' (15marker) was done pretty well, although you'd have to talk about both positives and negatives of it which might get a...
  11. J

    Section II - Ancient Societies

    I did the Persian society (all my three sections are Persia). The first three questions were relatively easy, and I didn't have much trouble with the last one with 'Source O' although a lot of people considered it hard and tricky.
  12. J

    Estimate your 2U mark :)!

    I wouldn't say it was for the 3U people, most people I talked to considered it easier than question 9. As for my own estimation... Well, I purposely paced myself and finished the test maybe 20minutes later at 2 hours and a half so I didn't make silly mistakes. I didn't really keep track of...
  13. J

    Easy Test but not enough time?

    Same, I took my time doing the test. I knew some of my friends would finish with about an hour or hour and a half to go but I paced myself and finished with about 30minutes, especially since I was trying to make sure I didn't make many, if any, silly mistakes.
  14. J

    Easy paper = Higher mark needed for band 6

    I found it harder than usual. Q1- 8 was fine, Q9 was more difficult than I anticipated and Q10 wasn't done too fancy either. I'm vibing for a 90%, but only just. For Band 6, it hopefully is around 100/120. I should be able to get past that unless I have done some dismal errors in my first 8...
  15. J

    It's a shame, you're missing Mathematics in your list.

    It's a shame, you're missing Mathematics in your list.
  16. J

    Paper 2: All modules-difficulty

    Well, I also do the exact same texts and I didn't mind Frankenstein and Blade Runner at all. Although, for Harwood, I spread my study for each poem a bit thinly.
  17. J

    No more english, ever!

    Yeh! No more English... oh wait, I do Extension 1. Blast!
  18. J

    Paper 2: All modules-difficulty

    Definitely Module B. Module B was the bane of my existence, the quintessential feeling of alienation... HOWEVER, Module A and C were relatively similar in ease, and seemed to follow the past questions very well. Module A followed the typical question on context and Module C's substitution of...
  19. J

    How much did you write?

    Not too shabby, Module A and C were fine for me. Module B was tricky.... very tricky.... 6, 4, 5. I'm fine with that. Not exactly sure how many pages per line, but considering I had remembered the bulk of my essays for Module A and C, I would say Module A: 1000~ words Module B: 600-700 word.s...
  20. J


    Eilis's instead of Eilis' is one of those interchangeable things, kinda like an hour and a hour, they have both been used enough in the English language to have both forms as acceptable.