oh ok cool.
If you're a tutor, I think you'll be able "help me" in maintaining my HD average. :)
I count upon your discretion, and if my meaning isn't clear, I expect your discretion. ;)
Okay, I do understand where you're coming from but please try to understand that you were the one that got in the way when I was telling Politik things that he needed to hear.
I don't have anything against you. You seem like a decent guy, but you shouldn't involve yourself in affairs that...
I have class between 11am and 2pm on that day.
Do you think I should just skip it and come to meet you instead?
Should I be going for internships in my first year of univeristy?
Sometimes I act like a jerk when I shop at Woolies/Coles.
I had no idea that you guys had it so tough.
I'll keep that in mind the next time I give a murderous look to a shelf-stacker or when I speak to a check-out operator with a contemptuous tone.
Is that same course, or it's equivalent offered in semester 2?
Did you fail becuase it was a difficult course or you just didn't put enough work into it, maybe a bit of both?
How much of a set-back is that going to be for you?
I didn't fail anything, but I'm only doing core first year courses so it's pretty hard to fail..unless I really try to flunk.