Bit too colloquial for a teacher.
+ teacher spelt her name differently at the top compared to the bottom one
Pretty low level of modality as well, for a teacher
This is all from what I heard, since I wanted to go too.
I asked around the beginning of this year, so I hope this is all still relevant.
There's 20-30 students per class.
He goes through the course really really quickly (which is good if ur smart. but for lower end 4u ppl they said that they...
I'm probably just going to take the gamble and not study for this since its unlikely it'll appear.
If it does appear, ill just work it out on the spot. Its not that difficult, its just that the questions can be ambiguous and misleading
Idk where you read that from. Economically speaking, a surplus will improve CAD due to the twin deficits theory.
A surplus will help pay off debt and it raises national savings improving Net Income account, the major deficit component of our BoP
Although, realistically, the CAD can worsen, but...
CAD and Budget are completely different things. Are u thinking that the CAD and budget are the same or something?
Like, theyre related (twin deficits theory), and the budget can affect and contribute to CAD, but they are different accounts.
A budget surplus is basically when government revenue...
Actually, i know this is acceptable in 4u, ive seen heaps of solutions do it
but in 3u, if it doesnt ask for substitution specifically, are we allowed to quote this formula and use it?
/will it guarantee those 3 or 4 marks?
fitz imo is better.
a lot of ppl reckon cambridge is better, only due to their extension questions, which are really an overkill
get both if uve got money to burn, do bits and pieces from each. thats kinda what i did
textbook mainly. ive got all three. workbook was a disappointment, but its probably more the fact that i didnt like its style. Go flip through it, it looks good, but personally i just didnt really like it.
study guide is pretty awesome, very useful for trials and hsc.
Income is the amount of money that is earned over a period of time. Ie; a flow of funds
Wealth is the value of the assets that person owns in at a given time. Ie;Assets, goods, etc
Wealth is generated by income.
its not bad. my school gave both leading edge and creative to us.
i used creative to learn the concepts first since it explains it a lot clearer and neater and didnt have too much jargon/doesnt confuse the hell out of me
but i used leading edge afterwards since it has ALOT more info. creative...
i went into my trials with 1 related for every essay. (aos and modules) [was gunna make up a text and quotes if it asked for two]
gambled paid off. all of them required one related text.
Now i just spent over half my holidays getting my 2nd related text analysed for all my essays.
i hope a lot...