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  1. R

    Co-op scholarhip

    ...Wow that is so rigged its not funny. I put in 2 weeks of work making my application perfect. Punch your mate in the face for me. Oh well I cant complain or ill look like laura
  2. R

    Co-op scholarhip

    Get your facts right, finance is the hardest to get
  3. R

    Rewards from parents

    She looks like shes 12. No wonder they dont think she can get an 80 UAI hence they say "bby you can have a car if you get 80"
  4. R

    Co-op scholarhip

    I didnt get anything. I only applied for finance. I cant believe tennisaddict got finance.. He said his credentials werent even that great but oh well thats life
  5. R


  6. R

    Rewards from parents

    Do you have kids Rafy?
  7. R

    Co-op scholarhip

    What interview did you get mate?
  8. R

    Co-op scholarhip

    Dude confirmed grenade..
  9. R

    Co-op scholarhip

    Come on mate this is a load of cock and bull. Unless the doors have a string attached to all of them this is not possible
  10. R

    Complex Numbers Help

    Do you Realise Nothing?
  11. R

    Exchange rates essay

    I wrote about MP, FP, and micropolicies since they can all affect the exchange rate
  12. R

    Multiple Choice

    Hey khorne you lanky man in a suit too big for you, you better state rank or benny lava will come after you
  13. R

    Rewards from parents

    Im 18 actually. My parents said they will buy me icecream if I get an atar of above 80
  14. R

    Co-op scholarhip

    Cos UTS is just a life sized Jenga building?
  15. R

    do you go to ravenswood?

    do you go to ravenswood?
  16. R

    what school do you go to

    what school do you go to
  17. R

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

    +1 serves you right jamesfirst, you shouldnt have acted so arrogant saying you would state rank. just cos youre first at your school doesnt make you better than the rest of the state
  18. R

    Co-op scholarhip

    I wasnt rude. sorry if it seemed that way. the question was 'did you get an interview' a simple yes would suffice
  19. R

    General Thoughts: Modern History

    come onnnn
  20. R

    Co-op scholarhip

    sickbrag is the only one that matters