Well i vaguely know what the prac areas will be on as i said above. e.g. for the blueprint of life section of the prac test, it would be something on meiosis.
There is a hint for "modelling and science method" for the topics of communications and maintaining a balance? Do i just go over the methods of experiments or? Also for blueprint of life the hint was "meiosis" .. do i revise ALL the phases od meiosis or will there only be a question (e.g. a...
My answer was A too but the apparent ans is B off the answer sheet. Is the answer wrong or did pasteur used two 'identical' flasks (i.e both swan-necked) but broke one of the flask's necks when conducting his exp to disprove spontaneous generation?
In his experiment, Pasteur used specifically designed flasks and broth. What steps would he need to do in order to make this experiment VALID?
(A) pour equal amounts of broth into 2 DIFFERENT types of flask. Boil both flasks for the same time.
(B) pour equal amounts of broth into...
Well let's just say the film is written based on a book. Maybe there is some cuts of lines and words but do i say the DIRECTOR ... uses whatever technique e.g. simile in the line..?
When i quote a line from a FILM and state the technique used in the line, do i say the (name of the director) used (whatever technique)?
Do I say the (the name of the script writer) used (whatever technique)?
(If i use the name of script writer, do i have to mention it in the...