I dont understand what u mean by this part : "as if performed another 5 times but no outlier occurs, when you average the results you will get a different average to the one before."
But to answer the top part: "Is reliability affected by accuracy? Like if you had 5 results and averaged them...
For me, I would like to get into medical science and go into some kind of research. From what i have read and heard, it seems like it is quite difficult in getting a job after graduating from Med. Science. If that is so, i am planning to go into teaching if i can't find a job after graduating...
Yeah iodopsins are the pigments in cones. There are 3 kinds of the iodopsins and each of them are sensitive to one of the three primary colours of light, namely green, blue and red. U named the three types of iodopsin pigments.
There are heaps of limitations lol. The eyes curvature is not just restricted to the ones (convex lenses) that you used. Another is that the convex lenses that was used only have a fixed focal length and that the lenses in our eyes can accommodate many focal lengths to focus light onto the...
What :0 i did the independent paper xD. There were only 2 weird questions in mine. Can u msg me some the hard cssa questions? I wanna try them out and ill try give u my answers :)