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  1. Official

    Students ditching science in droves

    Probably because science courses such as Physics are merely history lessons regarding scientific events that happened...
  2. Official

    Explain my assessment mark?

    this is mainly to prevent schools that mark tests easy or give really easy tests from having an unfair advantage. completely fair system tbh
  3. Official

    Explain my assessment mark?

    this is mainly to prevent schools that mark tests easy or give really easy tests from having an unfair advantage. completely fair system tbh
  4. Official

    How much work did you put in for HSC

    around 5 hours a day after trials
  5. Official

    Does SC mean anything?! Compare your SC and HSC here.

    Not to be rude or anything but i don't see how you can go from a 98/100 in Maths in SC to 76/100 in 2U maths...
  6. Official

    Physics tutoring -- NEW CLASS STARTING JANUARY!!

    Those are some pretty decent results!! Highly recommended wooo
  7. Official

    2011 Raw Mark Estimates

    MX2 - 100/120 Physics - 90/100 Chemistry - 86/100
  8. Official

    School Rankings 2011

    Proud to be part of the best cohort Fort Street has ever had.
  9. Official

    Dedicated and Innovative 3u/4u Tutor (ATAR 99.75)!!! 25/hr + FREE TRIAL PARRA-STRA

    Re: Dedicated and Innovative 3u/4u Tutor (ATAR 99.75)!!! 25/hr + FREE TRIAL PARRA-STR Highly recommended. Not only has he achieved an outstanding mark in 2u/3u (as an accelerant) and 4u this year, but he has excellent communication skills and can explain even the most obscure concepts in MX2...
  10. Official

    Does SC mean anything?! Compare your SC and HSC here.

    SC English - Low Band 6 somewhere (can't recall for sure) Science - 91 Mathematics 98 HSC Maths 2U (2010) - 99 MX1 (2010) - 98 MX2 - 96 Physics - 96 Chemistry - 95 English Adv - 92
  11. Official

    Share your 2011 ATAR here

    Lol, well good luck with that how do you know what aggregate you ended up getting anyway
  12. Official

    Share your 2011 ATAR here

    99.85 bro u aiming for 500 aggregate?
  13. Official

    High atar achievers, a question for you guys.

    Nicee mate, baws consistency (Y)
  14. Official

    High atar achievers, a question for you guys.

    depends on the school if at a highly competitive school, this actually is very untrue, as a lot of high achievers that i know of did not really do well from the start
  15. Official

    Who got 99+ and is genuinely surprised?

    I was surprised to get over 99 after my terrible performance in English at school I honestly thought 99.4 atar was the limit after toying around with atar calcs
  16. Official

    Possible to get rank in the state for your results?

    Yeah thisss I'm very curious as to my ranks. I wonder if you can still apply for your 2010 exams, I did Mathematics and MX1 last year
  17. Official

    High atar achievers, a question for you guys.

    I was failing English throughout the whole year (fucked up 15% creative at the beginning and got 6/15 in belonging unseen texts)
  18. Official

    Results Check / Raw Marks / Exam Responses

    Well in the sciences, markers, as you say, probably do try to award as many marks as possible, but they are restricted by the ridiculous marking criteria. If, for example, on a seven marker question, you happen to miss out one point, regardless of how minor it is, the marker is forced to give...
  19. Official

    How did your parents react to your marks?

    parents were relatively happy with 99.85 more importantly i was happy considering i didn't think i'd make 99 with my english rank (50/160)