If you want to work at mid-tier firms or smaller organisations...the uni won't really matter.
However, if you want to work for the larger firms/companies in Australia...you're better off graduating from Macquarie
You can do a double major in Economics & Accounting.
2U Maths is sufficient for an Economics major...in terms of mathematical content, I'd say Econometrics is the harder major.
As for job prospects, well you'd need a strong credit average as a minimum requirement (if you're doing a single...
Agree with streetboy...you should be worried about all your subjects.
Even if you have 12 units, study for all of them and see how you go...
You can't really predict whats gonna happen in the external exams, what if you perform poorly in one of your other subjects? Then 2U Maths might end up...
It's always good to read the actual text but not essential.
As long as you can provide a solid analysis and good understanding of the text in your essay, it doesn't matter if you've read the text or not.
3U Maths isn't that beneficial for Finance or Law students. A solid understanding of 2U Maths is all you need for Finance..
Stick with your current choice of subjects and excel in all of them!
At UTS, it's a five year double degree and at USYD it's a 5 year double degree not sure about UNSW requirements..
Well according to the information you've provided, you'd be sitting on a 3.5 GPA (Distinction Average) for this semester.
In terms of WAM calculations...it's basically the average of your marks for all subjects in that semester..
As for Credit subjects ruining your GPA, well that depends on...
Re: Please understand my dire situation (ALL FAIL) and HELP ME CHOOSE FROM MY OPTIONS
B.Comm/B.Law is more flexible than a B.Eco
I know people who have done B.Comm/B.Law at Macq (ended up with a credit average) and they were unemployed for 3 years...and I know people who have done B.Eco at...