Thanks, but I've read that INSEARCH has a completely different open day to the UTS one. At the moment I'm just worried about the alternative pathway, not so much UTS itself.
I'm researching all this in the instance that I don't get any uni offers which I hope in the first place won't happen.
I'm really starting to look into alternative pathways to uni at the moment, exploring differing options
I finished the HSC in 2008 with a UAI of 90.25, doing a science degree for one semester (I dropped out of degree due to anxiety problems). I found out later on that I'd failed all 4 subjects...
By second statement I meant: "Applicants with a record of failure at tertiary study are less competitive for a place than those with a successful academic history. A record of exclusion will normally prevent applicants from gaining admission into any undergraduate course.
If you have been...
Thanks, the problem however is in the second statement, the one about failures, and with 4 fails in the first semester, that's sure to ring bells. I just don't know how to go about explaining it to them.
I finished the HSC in 08' with a UAI of 90.25
I began my science degree at UNSW in 09, but halfway through the semester, I started getting bouts of pretty severe anxiety which had a massive impact on me. Anyway, I ended up failing that semester, and quit my degree right afterwards, way too...
Thanks, im still anxiously waiting.
And although unsw say they only take the better of the 2 marks, they also say that they have the right to view my entire academic record. That's what worries me!
rx34, I'm in a similar situation to you!
I did one semester of uni (UNSW) in 2009 after completing hsc in 2008. I failed due to anxiety and personal issues. I quit my degree after that semester.
I was wondering how you managed to transfer to a different uni if you had the fails on your...
Hey ,
I've been reading BOS for while now but I'm really worried so I made an account to look for some help.
I finished the HSC in 08' with a UAI of 90.25
I began my science degree at UNSW in 09, but halfway through the semester, hypochondria (health anxiety) kicked in after the death of...