Hey guys,
So i've just finished making my notes and was starting on some HSC 2009-2011 papers (Multiple choice only). About 30% of the multiple choice is confident marks, 40% of the multiple choice is educational guess and the rest is clueless... What should I do to improve on this ?
Hey guys,
Does anyone have past papers for IPT that they would like to give or can anyone tell me where to get them.
I would really appreciate it
I always write my goals before i do some work in my diary. I usually don't finish all my goals.
From my after school sleeping and TV habits I only have about 3ish hours off work.
3:30 get home from school then watch some TV then somehow I feel really tired and sleepy at 4- 4:30 (always) so...
Seeing that I'm not aiming very high should I care about my ranks ? My current ranks for Physics and Engineering are 14/24ish beside Maths 2U 10/90, English standard a depressing 80/110 and IPT 10/42.
Every time I finish my study which is usually around 1.5 - 2.5 hours I get a feeling that I haven't done enough. How much work should I expect done in around 2 hours ? Usually I finish my Math homework (1.2 hours), then start reading some notes often Physics, Engineering studies and IPT...