twilight was okay till i started seeing fucking supre making their fucking sales on shitty little "I (L) EDWARD" tees.
I walked into target today and BAM.,.....TWIHARD MERCH. goddamn, the amount of shitty little tweenie boppers who are lusting over a fucking fictional character is...
OMFG! i swear to god!
One of the boys in business showed me this game...i just got up to the second level (im shit at computer games) and i saw the creepy child and that was the end for me...
has anyone SUCCESSFULLY finished this game without the assistance of a walkthrough??
if you...
draw the final scene with everyone dead...
or you can draw hamlet and the two other guys at the watch tower looking at the ghost walking.
(i dont do advanced, i just have seen the play 75 thousand times)
sorry for the delay, i get bored of this site, rather quickly. umm. tbh, i wanna get into either customs, corrective services, navy or policing. or as a last resort, security. i reckon it would be awesome. :)
thanks for your comments. OMFG HMF: If its optional DONT TAKE IT! DONT TAKE IT!
my next door neighbour was like "Don't call Romeo a lump of plastic, he can hear you" God 13 year olds are stupid. By the way, the class named him Romeo...everytime my Mum hears "Love Story" by Taylor Swift she...
at least you get our shoddy attempts at creating past papers and model essays. god its shit. yeahh im only worried about CAFS, everything else i can just wing it. ill probably start studying soon :S if im bothered.
LOL! me study...HAR HAR HAR! your joking right. I'm non-UAI (or should i say non-ATAR :() so i could come out with a FAIL for everything and still get my HSC...:)
your so lucky that the Board Of Studies (Department Of Education, whatevs) isn't treating you guys like lab rats. its horrible...
lol. thanks. I'm so glad its the weekend. I seriously can't wait till school is over. 15 weeks wont go by fast enough :( as sad as that sounds. OMFG I ONLY HAVE LIKE 7 WEEKS TILL MY FIRST HSC EXAM! Holy CRAP!
LMAO fight moar. im boreddd... anyways i have to go. i need to shower. i feel like im an ice cube. imma go thaw myself out.
take care, bubye tim bubye jess :)