reliability s much different to accuracy. the expeirment would be reliable if you repeated it and got the same results (even if that is through observing not recording). Accuracy is how you got the measurements, i.e. observing vs recording. hope that makes sense. also an experiments can be...
All of the 2012 1st year BAcc's will be there as well as a few sponsoring organisation representatives to answer any questions you have, greater opportunity especially if you are applying for cadetships to see which one would suit you more.
Just a reminder of the UTS Bachelor of Accounting Scholarship program information evening tomorrow evening …
DATE: Tuesday 24 April 2012
TIME: 7.00 for 7.15 pm (Will finish at about 8.30 pm)
VENUE: Room CB02.04.13 (Building 2, Broadway)
DRESS: Smart casual or school uniform
WHO: Parents...
Re: Frankenstein and blade runner essay structure and maxims
you should aim to find similar concepts in both texts and explore how context has influenced their portrayal. In your case, the points you have got find how they are present in both texts and and see how context has influenced its...
Highly recommended, this guy is a son of a gun> If you want business studies tutoring can't go wrong with first in the state. Get in before its too late!!!!!
so on his final hsc results sheet it would be 97 for assessment mark and 89 for external mark. Your external mark won't change, only your assessment mark. Also have to be careful when using words like aligned. Your raw marks are aligned so the exam marks you gave us for HSC are aligned marks...
nah i got a cadetship with PWC and KPMG but i decided on taking up UTS Bachelor of Accounting COOP. I thinks its a better option cos it allows for diversity in your practical experience
Im pretty sure with KPMG and PWC you can't either unless if you can strike a compromise with them. Its usually BComm and a major in Accounting. You can do you second major in whatever if thats what you wanna do