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  1. fleckar

    Swine Virus

    five people with swine flu in NSW, five people successfully treated for swine flu in NSW, just the same in every other first world country. Mexico is a dirty place with people too poor to pay for healthcare. HYPE HYPE HYPE.
  2. fleckar

    Swine Virus

    True, but wrong thread.
  3. fleckar

    Swine Virus

    This is why Jews don't eat pork, they knew it all along. They really are the chosen people :)
  4. fleckar

    Swine Virus

    Add modern medicine into the equation, and you get overhype.
  5. fleckar

    "Everybody Should be forced to take a DNA test"

    Yeah, yeah, but other than it violating your personal freedoms, why do you care? I mean, I can see why people who commit crimes or who are planning to commit crimes would be concerned, but you?
  6. fleckar

    "Everybody Should be forced to take a DNA test"

    Why? Why do you honestly care? People are corrupt, we know. There would be measures put in place to limit it though.
  7. fleckar

    NT planning mandatory reporting of suspected underage sex

    It was sarcasm. Are you Arab? It would explain why my post got you so enraged that you couldn't see it. I doubt the laws will pass, and even if they do, it'll be like jaywalking. Pharmacists would rather that kids buy condoms to prevent pregnancy & STI's. If they do pass, there will be a lot of...
  8. fleckar

    Stupid cunt.

    Stupid cunt.
  9. fleckar

    NT planning mandatory reporting of suspected underage sex

    Keeping criminals off the street, imho.
  10. fleckar

    How to make yourself get a nightmare?

    Lol I knew it. Since it's already been brought out in the open, gief details plx. Who was it about? What happened, etc. etc.
  11. fleckar

    UN Racism Conference=an attack on Israel and Free Speech

    Why do Hamas use their own civilian population which they claim they are trying to protect, as protection?
  12. fleckar

    downloading youtube video

    you get get it from cache quite easily.
  13. fleckar

    Triple-0 operator 'very sorry' about David's call

    The kid didn't know where he was, he could not have been located with a call from a phone. In populated areas where you can triangulate a mobile phone signal with surrounding phone towers, it would have been possible. In the Katoomba mountains? Not possible. Sorry.
  14. fleckar

    Triple-0 operator 'very sorry' about David's call

    There's nothing they could have done.
  15. fleckar

    Israel troops admit Gaza abuses

    Wasn't their country in the first place. Too bad we can't do that with Muslims in this country. Israel goes to great measures to lower civilian casualties in wars brought upon them by violent muslims who want the Jewish race exterminated. The Arab governments/terrorists have a moral...
  16. fleckar

    "Everybody Should be forced to take a DNA test"

    Yes. Privacy concerns? I don't give a fuck if someone is looking at my blood. Why would I? That shit would be all regulated anyway, its not like just anyone would have access to it.
  17. fleckar

    Israel troops admit Gaza abuses

    The number of Arabs killed by Israel in war time, in wars that the Arabs brought on themselves, does not count. Look at the numbers of innocent Israeli and other civilians and Arabs, who have been killed by Arab terrorists. They do not compare at all, Israel holds restraint.
  18. fleckar

    Sacked female teacher raped two boys

    I wish a girl would rape me. I'm so ugly :(