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  1. quixote studios

    crying on stage

    rub beer (or pepper if you're balsy) into your eye/eyelids for that red lining effect exhale and hold it while you try to cry, helps me
  2. quixote studios

    Rules for Fat People

    yeah, those damn chocolate coated, sugary genes
  3. quixote studios


    Seeing as how the God and Abortion threads have bloated into obscuritism, I'll throw in a more specific conversation piece. Eugenics: Do you support it/oppose it? Why? Before someone goes and godwins this on the first reply, let me clarify. Positive involves promotion of "good" genes or...
  4. quixote studios


    we're men, we're men in tights! TIGHTS!
  5. quixote studios

    Scientology vs. The Internet

  6. quixote studios

    The Buyer's Remorse Thread

    bought $129 black julius marlow loafers, when i really wanted a $200 tan pair... azn cheapness + upper class pretensions = "goddamit" the next day
  7. quixote studios

    Erotic asphyxiation: Yes/No ?

    man speaks truth. need x+viagra. better yet just buy some blow u cheap cunt
  8. quixote studios

    Erotic asphyxiation: Yes/No ?

    lol i love how direct that last part is
  9. quixote studios

    ARC membership

    so what are the prices at the bar? do they serve proper drinks or just beer?
  10. quixote studios

    unsw qma??

    what about matrix algebra? i did 3u and only know the basic ops
  11. quixote studios

    ab exercises

    crunches til you can do 100/set, incline sit-ups w/ weights for strength, leg lifts for tone
  12. quixote studios

    German Authorities Slam "The God Delusion" for Kids

    yeah, cause we arent ignorant and bigoted enough
  13. quixote studios

    What Race/Ethnic group do YOU refuse to date and why?

    like, the colour black, or nigger black? cause i swear, i can count on one hand the number of blacks ive seen, and all of them were tourists
  14. quixote studios

    Style Icon?

    eh, might as well cash in on it while it lasts. got a cousin in vietnam looking for yellow chicks sunnies, figure i can make ~$10 a pop selling to dumb teenyboppers
  15. quixote studios

    The Drinking Thread!!!!

    Re: What are you drinking today? absinthe now if you excuse me i have to go dig my grave
  16. quixote studios

    Is it pedophilia

    youre fapping to a pic of a guy it means youre FABULOUS!!!
  17. quixote studios

    Jap teacher holds students at knifepoint...steals pants ...what