You mean going there? I strongly advise against that! lol. I live in the area, there is absolutely nothing there compared to the more traditional locations like Byron Bay or Surfers Paradise.
Yeah, our class is up to the second religious tradition of Religion and Peace as well. After that, we've completed the course. Our trials start in week 3 though, so that's a lot of revision to get through in a small amount of time.
Here are some samples of what they contain. If you use the search function properly, you can view the entire book.
Business Studies
General Mathematics...
Physics is just conceptual with some straight forward equations... easy for me. But Chemistry is so hard. It's more remembering a lot of rules and applying these, something I'm pretty bad at.
Yes. You must know examples of metals, metal alloys and compounds that are superconductors and their respective critical temperatures.
Extract from the syllabus:
Process information to identify some of the metals, metal alloys and compounds that have been identified as exhibiting the...
I think 'V for Vendetta' would be an great text for that elective. I'm even thinking about doing it if I have time.
Here's a resource:
Here's a section of notes our teacher gave our class:
Thomson suggested that, since all the materials tested produced cathode rays with exactly the same q/m ratio, the Dalton model of the atom was incorrect and atoms were not indivisible. He proposed that atoms are made of smaller elementary...
Our half-yearly average for Chemistry was 50% this year. I studied much more than I would and still only achieved in the 50s... The highest was in the 90s and the lowest in the 10s - both of which were in my class, haha
1200+ students in my school are made up of y11-12. I found year 11 to much more stressful than I have found year 12 so far. My marks in year 11 were not what I was used to from year 10 - it's a real shock to find how high the standards actually are. But I'm finding year 12 much easier. I'm in...
Our class is just finishing Personal & Public Transport. Our half-yearly exam period is for the next two weeks and I presume we'll be moving onto Lifting Devices after that.