Thanks for that much appreciated :)
I did go instore and as you said they did say to apply online.
Would they accept around 8-10 hours a week?
I've heard that it helps if I put up skills that have been had in other jobs such as cash management and safe food handling help?
Thanks again.
Hey all,
Does anyone one have tips to get a job at Coles?
Like things you should have for experience such as leadership skills,past jobs etc?
I'm in the process of looking over and completing the online form atm and have been told from numerous friends that I should apply as soon as possible...
Another K800i fan here. Had mine for almost two years and can't fault it. Good camera, easy to text, good sound for music and calling. Etc etc.
The music player on it is basically a walkman one just without all the branding.
Although if your budget is around $1000 I would check out:
The easiest way to do this is as follows:
1) Select the magic wand
2) Click in the grey area
3) Go to brightness/contrast
4) Drag brightness all the way up
Alternate method:
First two steps the same
3) Delete grey area
Note:Make sure tolerency is about 15-20%
Finished product:
I'd wait for it to be made here next year at that time it will have the 1.4L Turbo engine a lot better then the pretty much gutless 1.8L petrol they have atm unless you were considering diesel.
Anyway, I plan to get a VX Commodore or something of the like if all goes to plan.
Probaly one of my favourite movies. Although I did kinda guess where Doug was somehow, I wont spoil it for the others. One of the best bits was the taser part, was harsh but good.
I did like the classic Merc in the movie though.
I personally use this program for Windows- Any Video Converter :)
Mac Video Converter, Mac DVD Ripper, Audio Converter for Mac
That is the mac link. It also can download youtube videos.
Hope it was some help.
If you want something fun and cheap get a RWD car.
You could probaly pick up a cheap VL or an ED-EF for around $500.
FWD would probaly be fine for your first project car if you want something to play around with.
That was probaly no help at all :)
I think most of them shedded some tears here and there. I know Justine did at one stage. I wanted her to win :( But she did get a offer from Matt Moran which is probaly a great offer anyway.
The final will be who can handle the pressure the most and most have cracked at certain times so it will...
It is a surprise, I agree. The ball was swinging a little not a whole lot though. It was a poor shot selection, 5 of the wickets were from pull shots. Not great news that. Todays first session is crucial if England gets them quick we are in some trouble.
Quite the reverse of Cardiff they were...
+1 :)
They only put him out of the team because he got hit for a bit against South Africa. Speaking like that then Hauritz should have been taken out of the team a few times. He just isn't attacking enough.
Although they both can bat alright with Krejza making a ton in Pakistan and Hauritz...
I have never seen much of Monash but I have heard good things about it.
When I went to Melbourne for an excursion it was quite good, its very very big.
Im assuming you would be doing the new thing they have there? 'The Melbourne Model', does seem quite interesting and from what I know allows...