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  1. RealiseNothing

    Engineering+ Maths Dual Degree at UNSW or USYD?

    That's not really what cherry pick means.
  2. RealiseNothing

    Engineering+ Maths Dual Degree at UNSW or USYD?

    You just further prove my point that you have some weird issue with USYD.
  3. RealiseNothing

    Engineering+ Maths Dual Degree at UNSW or USYD?

    98.35 vs 95.00 if I wanted to actually argue a point instead of talk shit I probs could
  4. RealiseNothing

    Engineering+ Maths Dual Degree at UNSW or USYD?

    I'm starting to think these people just couldn't get into USYD with how much they bag it out lol
  5. RealiseNothing

    Engineering+ Maths Dual Degree at UNSW or USYD?

    Yep that's right. I know most people on that list of 8 medallists, and I know for a fact that only 2 of them did honours in maths. The others did either computer science, chemistry, or physics honours. I think it is quite possible that UNSW maths has slightly inflated grades, the dux of UNSW...
  6. RealiseNothing

    Engineering+ Maths Dual Degree at UNSW or USYD?

    Like you can have UNSW pride or whatever, but when giving out advice don't put your own bias into it and claim facts, e.g. that USYD gives out more maths medals when in fact UNSW has a higher percentage of medals.
  7. RealiseNothing

    Engineering+ Maths Dual Degree at UNSW or USYD?

    No applied or stats medals were given out. You literally listed medals from across ALL OF SCIENCE.
  8. RealiseNothing

    Engineering+ Maths Dual Degree at UNSW or USYD?

    To OP, if you lean towards engo go UNSW, if you lean towards maths go USYD. That simple really.
  9. RealiseNothing

    Engineering+ Maths Dual Degree at UNSW or USYD?

    UNSW has like 2 or 3 pure maths honours students and gave out 1 medal. USYD has like 10 pure maths honours students and gave out 2 medals. Seems like you guys give out a higher percentage?
  10. RealiseNothing

    Engineering+ Maths Dual Degree at UNSW or USYD?

    Even the people who didn't get uni medals at USYD could get medals at UNSW tbh
  11. RealiseNothing

    Engineering+ Maths Dual Degree at UNSW or USYD?

    2nd and 3rd year gets really into the pure side
  12. RealiseNothing

    Should i do maths at uni

    I might put a caveat here that these jobs are extremely hard to get and you really need to stand out to land one.
  13. RealiseNothing

    Should i do maths at uni

    From memory, pure maths grads have a lower unemployment rate than law grads. Well those jobs pay pretty well themselves, but there are plenty of others. Oceanology and meteorology come to mind straight away. The highest paying grad job I know of is for trading firms, and they hire...
  14. RealiseNothing

    Should i do maths at uni

    Nah I would say any maths or stats is good to do. Maths/stats majors (regardless of pure/applied/financial) I know seem to get the best internships/grad jobs srs.
  15. RealiseNothing

    Should i do maths at uni

    You can make a lot of money with a maths degree tbh.
  16. RealiseNothing

    Best attitude for Actuary?

    Well banks aren't exactly the main place for actuaries to go for work.
  17. RealiseNothing

    Australian Maths Competition

    Re: Australian Maths Competition 2013 Yeah I got this.
  18. RealiseNothing

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 Honestly, every first/second year I knew that got in just had a really high WAM.
  19. RealiseNothing

    Australian maths competition

    Here's a nice approach to question 2 which highlights a neat way of thinking about questions like this: Consider an arbitrary 6 digit number: A B C D E F We must have 456 in here somewhere. So we already know 3 of the digits, meaning we really only have this: _A_B_C_ Now we need...
  20. RealiseNothing

    Kangaroo Maths Contest 2010 Grades 7-8 Question #25

    A much easier method is to notice that any 2x2x2 cube has a vertex (at the centre) which is common for all 8 cubes. So clearly you need at least 8 colours. You could go ahead and find an 8-colouring, but for an a more satisfying proof that 8 colours is sufficient: Start with a 2x2x2 cube where...