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  1. F

    Girraween High vs Penrith High

    yeah why would someone do that..
  2. F

    Is gaming a detriment to my studies?

    what if you have no self control, should i delete all games?
  3. F

    anki set?

    asking for a friend at baulko
  4. F

    Maths Advanced Studying

    lol cant wait for that to get added into the syllabus
  5. F

    how much study do you intend to do over the summer

    i studied 17 hours a day to get into jr
  6. F

    Repeat Adv Math?

    what were ur mid internal marks just curious
  7. F

    just like your existence :)

    just like your existence :)
  8. F

    Should i drop Earth?

    well, how good are you doing in math?
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    sigma science recordings

    i asked chris and he said its not allowed, sorry.
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    how much study do you intend to do over the summer

    nah you should start your winter arc in 10 days imo
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    sigma science recordings

    yeah i have them
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    sigma science recordings

  13. F

    how much study do you intend to do over the summer

    same but the holidays are for resting so its alg
  14. F

    Hottest 100 2025 Thread

    degenerate yap holy
  15. F

    Does anyone have Chinese Continuers notes or past papers/resources?

    yes give, notes include all vocabulary provided and needed for chinese cont, idioms, proverbs, premade answers, past exams, proper structure sheets for diary entry, speech, report etc.
  16. F

    anki set?

    please lmk if anyone has one for business
  17. F

    How I Kinda Fluked An 87 In Standard English In A Low Performing School A Complete Guide To Acing Std Eng

    so if im getting 16/20 for all my internals is my final internal mark gonna be 80 or does it align up