Re: I havent done any sciences, Should I still do
Yeah, my mother is a pharmacist and has been for 20 - 30 years. She's told me that (as others have said) that there's an oversupply of pharmacists and that the pay isn't fantastic. The Government's Job Seekers website says that...
Going to try getting a job at a supermarket/retail store or maybe a receptionist/data entry sort of thing, my employability for christmas casuals is kind of shot because I'm going on holiday between christmas and early January.
I should get 99.00 at least, 99.5 at best. It all depends on my English mark and my Economics mark. My maths should be last exam probably won't even count :P
Somerset does Duke of Ed walks, I did my bronze training/test with them and thought they were pretty alright. (Only alright because I'm a lazyarse person and hate long walks, especially over bunches of rocky hills. But the instructors were pretty nice people. Even let me and a friend pour water...
I love how after the 2U/4U exams the 2U kids (doing 3U as well) are freaking out about 3U...and the 4U kids are pretty much like, "Yeaaaaaaah 3U bring it." Or maybe that's just my school.
as for the exam itself I should be okay at the very least, I won't fall too hard if I mess up as I'm...
Sink to my knees and start crying with relief...then I'd go and play the games on my Steam account which I've never played even though I bought them months ago...
Or draw, iunno.
Oh cool thanks, I've been using the Papermate Profile (which I do like quite a lot) but after the Englishes & Eco I ended up with smears of black ink down my forearm, heh.