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  1. Microsoft Word

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    I'm not entirely sold on the idea of equal rights just yet. I see marriage as more of a luxury, since i don't see it taking any precedence over food, shelter and basic education. I'd rather send over food and clothing to Syria, rather than marriage officiates. Even so, i'd still have the same...
  2. Microsoft Word

    Interviews for E12?

    The timeline on the usyd page said that interview invitations would be going out mid to late September. Has anyone been called up yet?
  3. Microsoft Word

    Dropping to Standard English for year 12?

    It's up to you, they're still the same course just different texts. So if you hate english now, you're gonna hate it regardless if you drop. Since you're only going for 75-80 and your marks really don't seem that bad seeing as though you hate english, i would say keep it, tolerate it. You'll...
  4. Microsoft Word

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    what i was trying to allude to is similar to the arguments that eating plants is bad because they can feel pain or homosexuality is natural and not a choice or pedophilia is acceptable considering my Prophet did it a millennium ago. In the end as society moves forward, different excuses can be...
  5. Microsoft Word

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    I would vote no if i was eligible. Society is evolving and social taboos of the past are slowly fading. 30 odd years ago, homosexuality, pedophilia (Islam?), beastiality, gender dysphoria would have been considered crimes against nature and mental illnesses (which they are). Today however...
  6. Microsoft Word

    flunked trials and ruined marks :(

    50% of hsc is all about rankings, which you seem to have covered minus chem. With those marks currently i reckon you'd get into the mid 80s easy, just need to work on chem though.
  7. Microsoft Word

    Capitol punishment should be reintroduced for criminal offences

    okay, but executions usually occur years after the original sentence has been carried out. Myuran Sukumaran was shot in 2015 after almost a decade on death row from his sentencing in 2006. Some people are still on death row in America after being sentenced in the 90s. This leaves plenty of time...
  8. Microsoft Word

    Capitol punishment should be reintroduced for criminal offences

    I believe it should. It could prevent the overflow of prisons and it would be cost-effective for the government in the long run (providing food and other amenities for inmates serving life sentences).
  9. Microsoft Word

    How to work in film

    Do you mean like Film Production? if so, you could do a diploma or fully fledged bachelors at JMC Academy which has a 65 atar req. There's also a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Communications and Media with both majoring in Film...
  10. Microsoft Word

    Barnaby Joyce embroiled in dual citizenship saga

    i dunno, but if you're a public servant, your allegiance should be 100% to the country you represent in government.
  11. Microsoft Word

    Opinions on subjects

    Business doesn't scale well and it doesn't scale bad either. The content's straight forward and study basically consists of creating acronyms and remembering case studies. I found Modern extremely boring and stagnant, though I suppose your enjoyment weighs heavily on the combinations of options...
  12. Microsoft Word


  13. Microsoft Word

    That's good, He-mann. Your heart and body is telling you to go all the way with me. With your...

    That's good, He-mann. Your heart and body is telling you to go all the way with me. With your hand in mine, we will delve into the intricacies of mathematics and brain science. You will take me to the land of milk and honey, and i will let your mind succumb to all the pleasures of desire. The...
  14. Microsoft Word

    He-mann, i'm soo drunk right now and i've realised that life is too short for my incoherent...

    He-mann, i'm soo drunk right now and i've realised that life is too short for my incoherent ramblings. You're the key to my door, the dog to my bone, and i can't go on much longer without your unconditional love. Be mine for now and forever, yes?
  15. Microsoft Word

    He-mann, i just want to say that i care about you and i need you in my life. Will you accept my...

    He-mann, i just want to say that i care about you and i need you in my life. Will you accept my offer? Just say yes.
  16. Microsoft Word

    Help with picking year 11 subjects!

    Hey there, Sorry i can't help you regarding your scaling question, though i'm fairly certain they all scale well (i know eco does for sure) except for SAC. Irregardless of scaling, however, just study smart and you'll be rewarded. You won't be at a disadvantage if you didn't take Commerce in...
  17. Microsoft Word

    Should I self-teach myself the Finance topic during holidays?

    Hi, My BST class has covered Marketing, Operations and we finished HR at the end of last term. However, we haven't really started Finance yet and our trials take place during the 3rd week of next term and i'm fairly certain the trial exam contains questions overing all of the individual topics...
  18. Microsoft Word


  19. Microsoft Word

    no, up yours.

    no, up yours.
  20. Microsoft Word

    I can't stay till for the afteroon sesh, i'm going to my brother's for maths tutoring.

    I can't stay till for the afteroon sesh, i'm going to my brother's for maths tutoring.