Search results

  1. K

    Vice Chancellors Leadership Scholarship

    on friday i was told they were interviewing students for the first few days of this week and those chosen will be contacted around the 3rd of feb. i think it would vary each year depending on how many people put in an application for VC scholarship
  2. K

    Vice Chancellors Leadership Scholarship

    yes u have to apply. they wont just take anyone. think about it, i know kids that got 99+ and arent the most sociable or leadership orinetated people out there. some are more willing to put their heads in books than helping people, so when u think about it, it would be stupid of them to choose...
  3. K

    UAC's University Offers 2009 Online - see who's in your course!

    ah i would LOVE a bos course search version!
  4. K

    :D Who LOVES their course?

    -b. advanced nursing UWS -the absolutely miniscule intake of students and the mentoring by senior academics. plus the fact its all anatomy and science :)
  5. K

    who's keen for offers and what are you hoping to get??

    advanced nursing uws. woo:rofl:
  6. K

    who's keen for offers and what are you hoping to get??

    Re: cant wait till wednesday 6 hours:sun:
  7. K

    Vice Chancellors Leadership Scholarship

    yeh its one of the ones without applications and 90+ i legit had not heard anything before that email when they assumed i knew, so im not sure if theyve screwed something up and sent it 2 the wrong person or what cos i didnt no prior to that at all. what was ur atar?
  8. K

    Vice Chancellors Leadership Scholarship

    just gotta say 'ATARded' is THE best name ive ever heard. kudos ;) im not sure exactly but mine is on the 22nd thanks :) if it isnt the first in state or advanced nursing that gives it away, im afraid i will have lost faith in humanities intelligence once again. i drove past ur house lst...
  9. K

    Vice Chancellors Leadership Scholarship

    i went to commonwealthnk and got the manager 2 do it, she was so lovely. yeh got an email yesterday saying that i didnt get the VC's scholarship but then said 'as you are aware though, you have a uws academic excellence scholarship which is still valid' and that was the first id heard of me...
  10. K


    i had a feeling they wouldnt. alas ill just hope for the vice chancellors one. yes but at parra campus :)
  11. K

    Vice Chancellors Leadership Scholarship

    i went for it. i was wondering how many ppl get it as well. a girl i used 2 go 2 school with got it, and i think a guy in the grade above me got it, althought im not positive, but hes definately in the aspire program. they r looking for everything they asked u about. your leadership skills...
  12. K

    80 + atar?

    adv english 85 bio 82 gen maths 90 pdh 85 textiles 98
  13. K

    2010 HSC dates?

    from memory they are released around may, but i could be wrong. i cant say i paid much attention to the time of year when i first read them. either way u can be guarunteed they will start mid october and go for 4 weeks. dotn stress about the time table now. it really has no profound impact on u...
  14. K


    does anyone know in regards to the academic exellence and the deans scholars scholarships, whether EAS points are counted? or whether they are only counted for ur entrance score and not scholarship? because obviously, if they did count, id have a better chance but ive got no idea. does anyone know?
  15. K

    What are your final UAC preferences?

    non awesome ppl ftw i say :jump: no engineering, law, med, commerce or business 4 me!
  16. K

    What are your final UAC preferences?

    ehhhh i was totally planning on doing b.midi until we got our results. hope it goes super well 4 u!
  17. K

    chances of working with 6 subjects per semester?

    Thats the question. i was originally going to work hope fully the equivalent of 2 full days during uni, but now that ill be doing 6 subjects per semester, whats my employment situation going to be? im thinking one half-full day a week. if i do the recommended 10hrs each week for each subject...
  18. K

    UWS info day sucks

    i never considered uws as i was always going to uts, until i got a higher uai and so i could go 2 uws. no1 needs to tell me that i sound mental- higher uai, dropping down uni ranks lol. so when i got the email bout the vip thing i was lyk, yep, cool. went and, holy moly it was weird, totally not...
  19. K

    UWS info day sucks

    haha yes! the VIP room lectures werent really lectures. there wasnt one for health/science anyway, was more of a scholarship debrief then an introduction of important people to talk to for specific courses. it was up to you to hound them down afterwards. was hilarious though, walking in and...