Religion is retarded etc. etc. but the reason it has influence over politics in supposedly secular nations like Australia is because there has to be a balance between secularism and democracy. A truly secular and democratic government could only be reached if the majority of the population just...
coulda fort of sumfin a bit more original and or specific. But I'm assuming the perpetrators are pretty tech savvy so they are most likely protesting the filter.
They don't claim this, it's already been established. European & Australian identities were used on passports that were doctored with the assassins' photos (apparently also slightly doctored).
She isn't. The Australian government is going through the motions to look like it cares, but it...
No. Both the OT and NT are quite clear on homosexuals. You can ignore all the anti-gay verses if you want and still call yourself a Christian, but I can call myself a fish if I want and it doesn't make it true.