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  1. S

    Is This True??

    hmm i don't think it is true, i don't think it's the subjects that bring you down or up, it's how well you do in them. so if you ace those subjects and you're able to do above average in them, you should be fine. don't listen to you're teacher, you'd think she'd know better than to tell you that!
  2. S

    Is there any way of getting 95+ with these subjects?

    wowowow, your subjects are basically exactly the same as mine. just wanted to say that, cause i find it fascinating when i come across someone with the same subjects as me.. :D
  3. S

    Is Prelim/HSC Physics really difficult? Difficult enough to make your nose bleed?

    Oh alright, thanks! And well done on your ATAR by the way, wow!
  4. S

    Is Prelim/HSC Physics really difficult? Difficult enough to make your nose bleed?

    Ah okay, phew thanks for the advice. Yeah it seems pretty boring, I don't really like physics that much. thanks :)
  5. S

    How was the first day of year 11?

    YES! Arrrrgh, lol i hated it. SOOO boring, and we've got to do like a 3 page reflection on it :|
  6. S

    Is Prelim/HSC Physics really difficult? Difficult enough to make your nose bleed?

    So I've just started Year 11 today, And one of my friends who is in his second term of Year 12 was telling me that Prelim/HSC Physics is so so so hard. He was saying that at the start of the year there were 18 in the class, after a few weeks only 8 were left! But that just MIGHT be cause we...
  7. S

    How was the first day of year 11?

    Was pretty alright, felt pretty cool in my new uniform and all haha :headbang: We did this plagiarism course like all day, which apparently if you don't do you can't sit the HSC :O so everyones got to do it. It was so boring, but heaps easy. Funny cause everyone was copying off each other :haha...
  8. S

    Your Study Area

    Mine's in my room, on my corner desk. I never used to study properly cause there was a TV right next to my desk and i'd always be tempted to turn it on, but my rents have taken it out now soo no excuse for me not to study now!
  9. S

    Hey New Yr 11's!!!

    heyyyyy new year eleveners woo! good luck to all, study hard from the start - that's the advice i keep getting! :monkey: