Search results

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    Mathematics Predictions/Thoughts

    The Mathematics exam is now officially available at
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    Thoughts on standard maths?

    Standard 1 and Standard 2 exams are officially available at
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    Maths Extension 2 predictions/thoughts?

    Official version of the exam is available now at
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    Maths Extension 2 predictions/thoughts?

    Terry Lee's solutions:
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    Maths Extension 2 predictions/thoughts?

    Here are solutions jointly by fun_jirachi and ruiace:
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    Mathematics Predictions/Thoughts

    Solutions jointly by fun_jirachi and ruiace attached
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    2019 Chemistry Trial Papers

    There are still some left on the"new thsc" website (zaxu version, not github): There were a lot more there before Oct 10, but some got deleted due to copyright.
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    General Maths Subforum name change

    I wonder if we need to make a subforum name change soon for this subforum. Next year, year 11 will be doing "Standard" instead of "General", but at the same time, year 12 will be doing "General". So maybe next year the subforum should be renamed "General + Standard Mathematics" and the...
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    HSC 2016 MX2 Marathon ADVANCED (archive)

    Re: HSC 2016 4U Marathon - Advanced Level 2002 HSC Ext. 2 Q8a+solution by mojako attached. The question has four parts. But the question can be extended with four more parts to prove \textstyle\frac{1}{1^{2}}+\frac{1}{2^{2}}+\frac{1}{3^{2}}+\dots=\frac{\pi^2}{6} as follows. \bf{Extension\...
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    HSC 2016 MX2 Complex Numbers Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2016 Complex Numbers Marathon
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    HSC 2016 MX2 Complex Numbers Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2016 Complex Numbers Marathon Better still, prove that x>\textstyle\sqrt{y^2+1}\Rightarrow\tan^{-1}(x-y)+\tan^{-1}(x+y)+\tan^{-1}\frac{2x}{x^2-y^2-1}=\pi and hence if x=2 and y=1 then \tan^{-1}1+\tan^{-1}2+\tan^{-1}3=\pi
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    Useful Links

    10 more extension 1 papers have been added now to
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    Useful Links

    Re: free mx1 trial HSC's, come and get them nevermind. they are now all on extension 2 ones are also at and
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    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon i don't think it is fishy you can check it on the calculator for example f2=3.317...>σ2=3.
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    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon \text{Suppose that for a positive integer, }n,\ \textstyle h_n={1\over1}+{1\over2}+\cdots+{1\over n}, f_n=h_n+e^{h_n}\ln h_n\text{ and } \sigma_n=\text{sum of positive divisors of }n. \text{Show that if }n>1\text{ then }f_n>\sigma_n.
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    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon Furthermore, in 2002 Bill Pender declared that the basel problem is beyond the 4 unit syllabus: (see annotation in the middle of page 8) But the extension of the 2002 question shows that it isn't. Also see...
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    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon Well the 2002 HSC question 8a can be extended to solve the basel problem: I also have a solution to seanieg89's imo question (1988 IMO Q4 actually):
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    2011 putnam

    Solutions are now available at
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    2011 putnam

    Actually the maa website seems to be dragging its heals this year for the putnam. So I've put the 2011 paper here:
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    2011 putnam

    The 2011 putnam competition will occur this weekend. It has been going since 1938. For 1938-2000, the ebooks are available on the net to download for: The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition. Problems and solutions: 1938-1964, by Gleason, Greenwood and Kelly; The William...