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  1. speedofsound

    Semester 1 timetables 2011

    i pretty much wanna move my one sociology tut on friday to monday (where i do actually have spare times). anyone with inside knowledge know if this is plausible? i really don't think it's too much to ask :\ so then i only have to go in 4 days and i have less horrible gaps.
  2. speedofsound

    Semester 1 timetables 2011

    mine is ridiculous (and i'm a first year!) :( that ONE tut on friday? there are TONS of other sclg tuts in which i have times free. and the 9-5 with massive gaps? omg i'm definitely going to attempt to get mine changed. are usyd lenient with this? i NEED at least one day off to work.
  3. speedofsound

    Is it true you can't have a concession card if you are working?

    what, i didn't even apply for anything and i still got student concession. those grounds for not giving someone concession sound like bs. making $100 a week doesn't really help that much. i'm not paying anymore than i have to. the concession prices are as much as ANYBODY should pay for our...
  4. speedofsound

    fucking timetables

    so i guess the people that told me at enrollment timetables would be available feb 12 were wrong.... ughhhhhhhhhhhhkldsfja
  5. speedofsound

    Major work extension History

    there's only one ext hist teacher at my school, but what happened with us is that 2 other history teachers from the faculty also helped co-mark to alleviate any bias.
  6. speedofsound

    o-week and access membership card?

    i got a brochure about o-week in the mail... there's a couple of talks and other things i'm considering going to. i'm still trying to decide on an access card as well. the hopeful side of me wants to join clubs and be social but the lazy side of me is cbf.
  7. speedofsound

    How much do you have to spend on textbooks?

    how do we know which textbooks we're meant to have? (i'm going to usyd) i haven't even thought about it D:
  8. speedofsound

    mentoring program

    alright, sounds good! thanks :D i'm looking forward to it!
  9. speedofsound

    mentoring program

    anyone else doing/done this? is it worth it? :\
  10. speedofsound

    fucking timetables

    yeah seriously it's really fucking dumb that we have to wait so long for our timetables. how hard is it to get a computer to automate everyones timetables? or why can't we just pick them ourselves? and i was told at the enrollment day that we got to see our timetables on february 12. but does...
  11. speedofsound

    Easiest Courses

    you sound like you have your priorities in order.
  12. speedofsound

    Should we be attempting to 'solve' our historiography?

    then let me rephrase it better for you to understand: what i mean by coming to a conclusion is that yes, to an extent you should be solving your question. if you end the essay without figuring anything out, it's kind of a waste of everyone's time. i don't know what else the OP was asking. what...
  13. speedofsound

    question about lectures/timetabling

    okay, thanks everyone for all your help. :)
  14. speedofsound

    Should we be attempting to 'solve' our historiography?

    you should make some attempt to come to some sort of conclusion. if your end your essay without some intelligent final statement about your topic, it just feels too open-ended and on the fence. perhaps you won't 'solve' it completely, but it's better than ending your essay the same as you...
  15. speedofsound

    question about lectures/timetabling

    great! thanks. what's a lecture stream? still a newbie with this stuff...
  16. speedofsound

    question about lectures/timetabling

    ok if a certain unit has two of the same lectures available, do we get timetabled into one of them or are we just free to waltz into which ever one we want? or does it depend on the size of the lecture?
  17. speedofsound

    UNI Timetables

    sounds great, thanks :)
  18. speedofsound

    haven't got my student ID card yet

    Don't worry, I haven't got mine yet either.
  19. speedofsound

    UNI Timetables

    does this "automatic" timetabling process usually do a decent job of creating a good timetable... like, not having 6 hour gaps between classes, or spreading everything out on 5 different days when it is avoidable...? :\
  20. speedofsound

    Internet @ USYD

    great, looks like 2010 hsc graduates at sydney uni are starting at just about the right time. :D