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  1. advanced sam

    Homosexuality in Australia

    ive probably completely gone off on the wrong tangent here from your 'discussions' on the last page, but i just think catholic and christain religion is the same. king changed religion to divorce his wife, i mean come on. they r the same thing, unless theres that whole worship three things if...
  2. advanced sam

    Early Entry, Who got in?

    ssaaammeee. i did the bloody interview ages ago.
  3. advanced sam

    miley cyrus
  4. advanced sam

    interested in politics and international relations

    idk.... would you like a stress ball?
  5. advanced sam

    miley cyrus

    deeper than a well. deeper than the ocean deeper than the marianas trench deeper than...
  6. advanced sam

    hit me with some trance.....

    uh oh did i start a fight
  7. advanced sam

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 2 Chatter Thread my god, its you again. you know im not stalking you, its just that every time i go on a thread, YOUR THERE. weird
  8. advanced sam

    your current favourite song

    everything is above and beyond on all threads i go to... guess.:wave:
  9. advanced sam

    Tips for good exam creative writing

    i feel like just saying the were REALLY CRAP tips *, just to be different:wave: ah... to be an individual. to be or not to be. *they were good tips
  10. advanced sam

    hit me with some trance.....

  11. advanced sam

    Above & Beyond Clubbin in Sydney.

    aw, no mutual friends
  12. advanced sam

    hit me with some trance.....

    um, whats trance?:uhoh: (pls dont shoot me)
  13. advanced sam

    miley cyrus

    :p well.......
  14. advanced sam

    australian dollar falling rapidly

    Interest Rates Dropped By 1%
  15. advanced sam

    miley cyrus

    :) she annoys me, cant sing. 15 year old who got a frigin 16th birthday at disney world with 2000 fans who paid 250 bucks to go sing happy bday to her. and then her her little sis and "talented" father who straightens his dyed hair sung all night. and the brother... ugh frigin in the...
  16. advanced sam

    Study Discussion

    Re: study hours oh, right. thanx guys
  17. advanced sam

    Study Discussion

    Re: study hours sorry i know this is irrelevant. but how the hell did i suscribe to a thread?
  18. advanced sam

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    sorry i know this is irrelevant. but how the hell did i suscribe to a thread?
  19. advanced sam

    Good Scaling Subjects?

    sorry i know this is irrelevant. but how the hell did i suscribe to a thread?