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  1. Kikkoman

    Classical Greek Continuers!!!

    I'm full Greek too, but 6 years at Greek school didn't really teach me much with the language. More about the culture etc... However, really, the only respect in which knowing Modern Greek helps in learning Classical Greek is the alphabet. Otherwise, it's pretty intense anyway Alot of private...
  2. Kikkoman

    HSC '09- the most paranoid year.

    I found it more effective and useful to study, learn and effectively memorise the quotes, analysis of them in summarised form. Not a word-by-word essay, which only selects some of that analysis. I preferred having more to draw from, so that in the exam, I could use exactly what I needed.
  3. Kikkoman

    HSC '09- the most paranoid year.

    The gross paranoia that has swept our cohort has been, in my opinion, mostly due to the overwhelming number of people memorising their essays for English. I will not say this is WRONG, but I do not think it's the best way to learn English either. It's the best way for some people, to beat a...
  4. Kikkoman

    How many pages

    7.5, 5, 5.5, so 18? I'm happy with what I wrote though, so for all those people who were also happy with what they wrote, in a "short" amount, no need to feel intimidated.
  5. Kikkoman

    Greeks do rule indeed :) Also, I notice you are doing Latin too. Best of luck with it!

    Greeks do rule indeed :) Also, I notice you are doing Latin too. Best of luck with it!
  6. Kikkoman

    Classical Greek Continuers!!!

    I might like to point out to you that I know of all the 11 who do Classical Greek continuers, and I am certain that out of 8 at least, I am the only Greek student. But your stereotype... Fish and chips? Since when was that a traditional wog image? Besides, I'm pretty sure "wog" encompasses more...
  7. Kikkoman

    Fair enough, we each have our strengths. Best of luck with everything to come; paper 2, and the...

    Fair enough, we each have our strengths. Best of luck with everything to come; paper 2, and the mathses and sciences next week :)
  8. Kikkoman

    I think I went pretty well :) If anything, the "One text" mumbo-jumbo let me really flesh out a...

    I think I went pretty well :) If anything, the "One text" mumbo-jumbo let me really flesh out a related text I rarely got to flesh out in timed practice essays. How about you?
  9. Kikkoman

    I love the Scrubs reference. I think this is much better than "CALLTUR"

    I love the Scrubs reference. I think this is much better than "CALLTUR"
  10. Kikkoman

    C/D: English Paper 1 should be extended by about 30 minutes

    No, there is a very small number of people who get band 6 in Standard. So small... On topic; why does English get 4 hours? Because there's too much to test within the normal scope of 3. They have to test reading, viewing, comprehension, creative, as well as a helluva lot of analytical mumbo jumbo.
  11. Kikkoman

    Skrzynecki People! How many poems did you talk about and which ones??

    I did In the Folk Museum and Migrant Hostel, plus one related. I figured it might be a bit too imbalanced and overwhelming to do 3 poems.
  12. Kikkoman

    Will they screw us over for Paper 2?

    The OP said related text for things (not Mod B) because in standard English, there IS a related text component in their Mod A AND C. Otherwise, it appears that all the advanced kids are discussing.
  13. Kikkoman

    Do you lose marks for having 2 related texts?

    My question, to all those that wrote two, is this: How will they decide which one to overlook? The one you write about second? It would be a bit weird if you have your essay based on two ideas; both of which are seen in your prescribed, then one of which that is in one related, and the other of...
  14. Kikkoman

    Classical Greek Continuers!!!

    Tied as the very first exam, with Business Studies. I didn't really have much to say except for that :P I doubt (m)any Greek students would see this and/or post.
  15. Kikkoman

    Who got 100 UAI in 2008?

    Go Emmanuel, Ben and Alexander!!!
  16. Kikkoman

    G'day, Mr BOS resident/cosmologist! Just felt like wishing you a hearty good luck with...

    G'day, Mr BOS resident/cosmologist! Just felt like wishing you a hearty good luck with everything, for no particular reason =P
  17. Kikkoman

    Hey... Thanks for the good wishes, same to you! I don't know for sure who you are though... Is...

    Hey... Thanks for the good wishes, same to you! I don't know for sure who you are though... Is it Maryam?
  18. Kikkoman

    What's the raw mark needed for state ranking?

    Our maths teacher once professed to us that there are (and have been) people who get (got) full marks. I'm like........... WAZZUPWIDDAT!?!?!?!? Keep in mind this guy's been marking 4U HSC for quite a few years now
  19. Kikkoman

    Happy Birthday!!! I just stumbled upon this page and saw the other messages... oh wells, doesn't...

    Happy Birthday!!! I just stumbled upon this page and saw the other messages... oh wells, doesn't detract from my wishes!! =P
  20. Kikkoman

    Charizard = Awesomeness. Too cool to be a Dragon type; too much of a dragon to be cool type...

    Charizard = Awesomeness. Too cool to be a Dragon type; too much of a dragon to be cool type (water/ice). Haha, lame. Seriously though, Pokemon is awesome