Dont buy the ipod classic! the HDDs are quite fragile and you risk breaking them buy running/dropping them (my ipod photo only lasted a year)
the ipod touch is really your only option for video, however if you're going to spend $$$, why not get an iphone? then youll have internet and phone as...
im going to uni next year and i have a question
if im doing say commerce, but i want to learn about psychology, architecture, criminology, etc... can i just rock up to the lectures and listen to what is being taught?
does anyone check that you are a student of that faculty?
i worked at myer last year
in the group interview, you will be most likely be surrounded by 30-40yr old people who can barely speak english... its easy to get selected - dont be shy and speak up; try and develop a rapport with the interviewer... smile, be casual etc but DONT suck up to them...
since schools choose their own curriculums before year 10 (in science especially), you cannot be examined on knowledge based questions - hence it is simply a comprehension test (like UNSW science competition) and so it is a complete waste of time to study (i didnt and got over 90 in everything)...
Its imperative that rich people get the baby bonus and child care
its the rich who can best support kids with minimal welfare from the gov
and its the high income earners (ie highly skilled and motivated) who we need working rather than staying at home looking after kids (NB its also the...
new macbook is speculation, but its a near certainty and should come out on september 9:
i dont see how you can do cad work which needs a mouse when lying on your bed
the m1330 has been very highly rated and you can choose...
i completely screwed up my trials, coming 80th in a year of 200
this was for a number of reasons, but mainly because at that time i had no courses in mind so had no motivation to work hard - also i was sick of school so i pretty much only studied the night before
but im the type of person...
hmm lets see...
*greenhouse targets that will actually have an impact on Australia's contribution to climate change
*movement towards renewable electricity
*taking a much more progressive stance on the drug problem
*increased teacher salaries
*ban on developer donations
*commitment to...
maybe the dell xps m1330?
i dont know if that screen size will be big enough for CAD work, but anything bigger is no longer 'small and light'
its a shame that you cant get the new aluminium macbook coming out next week - had it had not been for the CAD that machine would have been perfect
well its a bit hard not to have that attitude when all you get from the NSW liberals are media releases condemning the government...
how are they expecting to get voters if they arent offering anything?
ill be 18 next election and ill be voting greens - at least they have proper and...
fuck i hate when people patronise me. I dont care if your granddaughter is the head prefect at some shitty school down the road; dont look at me with pity that im working at a supermarket, like im some yr 10 dropout and have been doing manual labour since then...
i would like to tell them to...
the retail sector of the power industry was privatised several years ago... it works the same as the telecoms industry where isps buy wholesale bandwith from telstra (a private company - whereas in power they buy wholesale power from the gov... so we already have this 'competition'.
The issue...
privatisation of energy has already occured to a large extent
we have private retail companies that buy wholesale power from the gov (AGL, integral...) - yet for some strange reason the gov has kept its own retailer (energy australia)
at the other end of the supply chain we have private...
Re: 回复: Re: HSC focus groups
but were talking about an organised, structured session - possibly with (non interfereing) teacher supervision
do you have any ideas of what to discuss?
I completely agree
And USUs also help find accomodation, jobs and legal advice
And if you dont like the extra curricular activities, or if you are going to be selfish and deny collective benefits to the uni society - go find a different uni that doesnt attempt to offer such a wide range of...
so ive been contemplating initiating a program of group discussions (10-15 ppl) at school on various topics (especially individual english texts) - the idea would be to get the intellectuals to share some of their insights with the less skilled people.... does anyone think this would work?