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  1. M

    Relation of School Ranking to ATAR?

    when i read atar estimate things i just think of it as, coming first in chem at james ruse, sydney boys etc is veryyyy different to coming first in chem at a school in the 500's or something, so it can give a better idea to those estimating of how your internal marks will translate in externals.
  2. M

    Does relationships whilst HSC pose as a Distraction or Motivation?

    Depends on the type of personalities, personal motivation and ability to focus, and the stability of the relationship. If it is a fairly calm, stable relationship where the two people are similarly motivated to do well and have similar thoughts on the amount of time the couple should be spending...
  3. M

    Year 12 jersey names - 2013 - the best & the worst of 2013 - exclusive to bos!@#$%^&^

    Re: Year 12 jersey names - 2013 - the best & the worst of 2013 - exclusive to bos!@#$ #y0l0$w@qq not even joking mines just my last name
  4. M


    Theoretically, almost any atar is possible with any combination of subjects, it all depends on your definition of a 'decent' atar, your school rank and cohort etc. In my opinon they may be a difficult combination of subjects to achieve 99+ in, but if you are aiming for 65-70 that is very...
  5. M

    Where are you hoping your marks will get you?

    bachelor of oral health at USYD or science at USYD, then postgrad dentistry :) any atar over 90, preferably over 92
  6. M

    Anyone done PQA or gotten into Oral Health at USYD? Advice for postgrad dentistry

    Thanks so much, thats really helpful. Im fairly set on not leaving sydney, I'm just concerned i'll arrange my whole summer about having to be in sydney for a million different dates for oral health, then not even get to the interview stage and then ive cancelled my plans for nothing :/ ah well...
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    hahahaha what even is this! its natural and its not like its smelly or anything, relax
  8. M

    Do year 11 ranks usually correlate?

    I think if you keep up the effort, and put even more effort in yr 12 you can maintain the high marks, however you will have more competition for ranks with those marks. Yr 11 i was in bottom ten for pretty much all my subjects, and this year im in top 5 or higher for over half of them, and first...
  9. M

    Date/Time of Design and Technology written exam?

    Im pretty sure it's the afternoon on the day of second english exam, 15th October
  10. M

    Anyone done PQA or gotten into Oral Health at USYD? Advice for postgrad dentistry

    Hi, Just wondering if anyone has done the PQA, and if they could describe a little bit how it went? Theres not many practice questions available online... Also, if anyone has done Oral Health or gotten into postgrad dentistry, I'd be so grateful if anyone could tell me anything about how you...
  11. M

    Question about St John's college

    John's actually had their biggest freshman intake ever this year and had more applications than places
  12. M

    What would you change about the HSC and why?

    wow, that is some serious procrastination... 5 hour assessments, two years of assessments counting for final results and harder courses seem like excellent ways to produce burntout, miserable students stripped of any love for learning they once had, and prevent the success of those who mature...
  13. M

    Mathematics to General maths?

    definitely stay, i changed for the start of the hsc course from 2u to general, and i had to study the entire prelim course, which took a fair while. as someone said above, general is not an easier version of 2u at all, its totally different content, so i think at this stage you would do better...
  14. M

    Should English be compulsory??

    I think some form of English should be compulsory to continue advancing student's writing and thinking skills, which will assist them in many other areas of life. I can understand English feeling useless but even scientists need to write papers, journals, theses etc. However, I do not think...
  15. M

    Honest advice on Band 5 English after bad results so far

    ok, this made me feel a bit better, thankyou so much! all there is to do is just keep studying i guess
  16. M

    Honest advice on Band 5 English after bad results so far

    yes, advanced, sorry. Thanks for the help, I hadn't heard that statistic, if it's correct that's definitely encouraging
  17. M

    Honest advice on Band 5 English after bad results so far

    Any advice would be really appreciated, thankyou anyone in advance! For the course I am interested in at uni, i need a band 5 in English. Last term i got 9/15 for a belonging essay worth 10-15% (bottom mark 8, top mark 14), and i have a belonging creative and book cover worth 10% due tuesday...
  18. M

    Biology practical assessment task! Mab

    Have you done any pracs from maintaining a balance yet? I just did 'perform a first hand investigation to demonstrate the effect of dissolved carbon dioxide on the pH of water' for our assessment last week
  19. M

    Difference between Hospo and Food Tech?

    Hospitality is prac focused, and is about different aspects of the hospitality industry, including food preparation, eg a school assessment may be correctly preparing vegetables in different styles using techniques learnt in class. food tech is more theory based, though there are prac lessons...
  20. M

    Successful flexible entry application to USYD's BA (Media and Communications)

    Does anyone know whether this would be the best degree at sydney for PR and marketing? I am doing some PR work experience but thats pretty much all i will have on my application besides my personal statement, so I'm worried, and this artcile seems to mainly talk about it relating to journalism...