This rant on wage setting has little relevance to the topic at hand. Personally, I support the minimum wage... but am not going to argue about this issue here.
How can you be so sure that equally mindless and easy jobs will be created in other industries? Its such an idealistic notion...
Inherent relative difficulties are meaningless when writing HSC courses; no subject is written at the final frontier of a field of knowledge - there is certainly scope to make subjects like DT, economics and geography much much more difficult
You're right that people are rewarded for picking...
You say that about pretty much any interesting thread on this forum... discussion happens because its stimulating to voice an opinion and get the occasional intelligent response
Yes I did, you obviously haven't been reading my posts. I suggested making all 2 unit subjects of similar...
I did the HSC last year, just like you, and I ranked higher than you.
Don't try and tell me your UAI would have been anything like that if you hadn't been interested enough in English to do both Ext 1 and 2. Find me a person who got 99+ without ext maths or ext english and then I will concede...
But what if the jobs created don't correspond to the ability levels of current checkout chicks? Surely it is better to lose $10 an hour (hypothesised cost difference between operating auto/manual checkouts) than to pay $20 an hour in welfare, when these people can't get a job?
This concept in...
Its not 100% fair, because some subjects are easier than others.
These attract dumb students, and as a result any smart students whose interests lie in that area have their marks pulled down by the rest of the cohort.
Currently, if you want a top UAI, you have to choose 'hard' subjects, even if...
I would prefer Rudd to remain the intellectually superior, nerdy, intelligent politician - who is comfortable with advanced concepts in all areas of running the country, especially in economics and foreign policy.
He should leave the colloquialisms to the premiers, who need to be bogan enough...
I love them, since I used to work at woolies and am a lot faster than most of the people working there. They're really well designed as well, so you dont even have to touch the screen if ur paying with cash.
And Ive noticed that at my local shop, staff seem to have been moved to other registers...
Your system still doesn't fix the problem of system favouritism towards subjects whose interests lie in areas where difficult subjects are offered.
In fact it deepens the level of inequality, especially when you cap obviously difficult subjects like history. (as per your previous post)
You don't get what I'm saying, and its too hard to explain. Surely you don't believe that 2 people with the same intelligence and work ethic will get identical UAIs regardless of which subjects they choose? (the only way scaling can be justified IMO??)
I know the changes that would be...
I kind of agree
Im pissed off that the gov didnt start earlier while our economy was booming, instead of raising interest rates and suffering from higher and higher levels of private debt
Its pretty much impossible to get 95+ in an exam, because of the little obscure marks here and there attained by little more than luck... so despite a really good raw mark, under the current system, it still wont be equivalent to an average mark scaled up in a difficult subject
I think its incredibly unfair... really favours students with 'academic' interests.
Consider 2 students, same IQ and same work ethnic. Student A loves English; student B loves design and technology.
Under the current system, student A will get a better scaled mark. The English course is more...
Lol yet another hopeless attempt to convince us that the Rees gov is doing something about public transport (along with a metro that goes to nowhere, a family funday sunday ticket and some bright red buses that follow the same route as lots of other buses)
And express??? Wtf lol, this will take...
*Sector 2 (comprising the south, inner-west, east hills and bankstown lines) has the best fleet on the network - you guys got every single millennium train bought
*Which train line would you be talking about?
There is no doubt that what you have said is true, in terms of the formation of "ghettos." But I still think you are being unreasonable in expecting anything different. They have made the huge step of discarding their old lives; you can surely understand the desire to hang on to some familiar...