Search results

  1. Dx_God

    Is it possible for somebody with a really low IQ like 110, to achieve a 99+ atar?

    just to inform u guys, iq tests only gives u an estimate of how good u are at "picking up things" or "finding patterns" but not really gives u ur true intelligence. the definition of intelligence is very broad and cannot be measured by a single test like an iq test. I've quoted this from wiki...
  2. Dx_God

    Is it possible for somebody with a really low IQ like 110, to achieve a 99+ atar?

    my summary: *low iq+no hard work=epic failure *average iq+no hard work=still failure *high iq+no hard work=same as above *low iq+hard work=win *average iq+hard work=epic win *high iq+hard work=... Note: einstein with an estimated iq of 164 only got an estimated atar of 80.
  3. Dx_God

    Looking for a laptop that likes being used over 10 hours a day..?

    pretty good specs for ur money and u should be fine with it as long as u don't intend to use it for serious gaming
  4. Dx_God

    What is the most interesting HSC science course

    physics for sure because u get to learn how to make nukes. so next time when someone messes with u, u can just bomb the shit out of them :)
  5. Dx_God

    worst air travel/ things you hate most about air travel

    and for me the insanely long flight time and the small leg room= legs goes completely numb. and probably when there's turbulence and the plane suddenly goes up and down and left and right
  6. Dx_God

    Why did u choose standard english?

    meh why not choose standard? it's pretty easy to get a band 5 in it so why bother going the extra mile. unless u really want 99.95 atar then i don't really see the point in doing advanced. most people say standard scales really bad but that's not really the case. it's just that getting a band 6...
  7. Dx_God

    Looking for a laptop that likes being used over 10 hours a day..?

    not really. it depends upon the battery ur using. macbooks claims that their laptop lasts for 6hrs but u'll never get to the 6hr mark. compare that to one of these mini laptops with a 15 cell battery, then ur set to lose. anyways, try to avoid getting sony or macbooks if ur on a budget. since...
  8. Dx_God


    are u sure about the proportion part? i'm pretty sure hecs-help can cover all of the costs for the student contribution, but it's up to u to decide how much u want to borrow from the government and which band (student contribution band) ur course lies within (see page 37 of uac book). Also, i...
  9. Dx_God

    Are We Sad

    meh what do u expect to do with ur family lol? it's raining outside so any outdoor activity is pretty much impossible unless u like being "wet". A family dinner is good enough for me
  10. Dx_God

    B Business and Commerce (Advanced Business Leadership)

    my advice is that don't even bother with uws business. u'll probably get a scholarship at uws but u'll find it hard getting a job. even if u find a job, ur starting salary will be much less. in the long term u actually ripped urself off. u should be trying for unsw commerce seriously. unsw got a...
  11. Dx_God

    Math B?

    um, u mean B math? never heard of math B before... even so B math is commonly referred as B science
  12. Dx_God

    thinking of appealing, would like opinions please

    i know what u're feeling... felt the same when i received 93 for math ex2 when i'm pretty sure i should of got somewhere in the 97 region (expecting 108/120). o well, as long as u get into the course u want to do, the marks don't matter. letting it go is probably the best option here since u...
  13. Dx_God

    answering this dot point

    •Discuss the importance of Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation in understanding and calculating the motion of satellites. basically it allowed us to understand the nature of the trajectory of the satellites, as it derived the concept of centripetal force and allowing us to describe the...
  14. Dx_God

    space problem

    working out is fine.
  15. Dx_God

    Results of the Michelson Morley Experiment

    the experiment constantly showed "null results" despite they continuously tried to improve the accuracy of the experiment. This basically showed that aether did not affect the motion of light, and its properties needed to be revised ie. being the medium of light. from that result, Einstein...
  16. Dx_God

    Who is going to UNSW?

    k thx
  17. Dx_God

    Who is going to UNSW?

    think i might have gotten something different. i've basically just got a strip of cardboard sent by UNSW BUSINESS with contact details on the bottom left which i have mistakenly thought was the info day invitation letter since it had the info date on it and i didn't really take a close look at...
  18. Dx_God

    Who is going to UNSW?

    u didn't know? u should read the hsc plus program offered by unsw.
  19. Dx_God

    Who is going to UNSW?

    lol i only got the brochure, no letter, and a load of stars inside the envelop which fell as i opened it... and i was like o.0