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  1. p3rf3ction

    graduated in 2012 HS, what year did I attempt the NSW higher school cert?

    Wait, I was only defending others - not myself. I never asked, cause I don't have to study unlike you, four-eyes. Mods, please open that genius thread that exposed that loser for being a charlatan. :D
  2. p3rf3ction

    graduated in 2012 HS, what year did I attempt the NSW higher school cert?

    You know you're retarded if you've made a serious post and people are questioning you on trolling. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and understand that you're an immigrant (most likely Asian) and still haven't grasped the English language well. And 2012 is your answer.
  3. p3rf3ction

    Thoughts on BCom at Macquarie Uni?

    you're obviously doing finance/eco/accounting. You should've known better.
  4. p3rf3ction

    Started uni....Brain still asleep

    you were right...
  5. p3rf3ction

    Macq. Uni social life

    theres a fair few but you'll quickly forget about them
  6. p3rf3ction

    Macq. Uni social life

    I can see why you agree...
  7. p3rf3ction

    Help with unenrolling from Macquarie?

    they updated it, its not 31st anymore, i think it was the 11th
  8. p3rf3ction


    can you say it? what, is your teacher gonna suspend you for writing that? Just go for it ffs, it probably wont even change the mark you'll get
  9. p3rf3ction

    Plagiarism in hsc exams?

    LOL, you guys are trolling the dude out way too hard, or you're really trying to disservice him. Unless you blatantly rip a creative or an essay for english, memorising short answers and re writing them or hell, even re writing some paragraphs in english essays won't risk you anything...
  10. p3rf3ction

    Help with unenrolling from Macquarie?

    you must be loaded, your giving them about 10 gs for nothing lol
  11. p3rf3ction

    Is this belonging creative writing idea cliched?

    ...just get one from the net
  12. p3rf3ction

    1st year UNI how to study??

    so other than units that require readers, all we have to do is use lecture notes and the stuff given in tutes? So no need to even buy a textbook?
  13. p3rf3ction

    Started uni....Brain still asleep

    i dont think mines ever gonna wake up
  14. p3rf3ction

    The Woolworths Thread

    any1 know the pay rate for a 17 year old? And i've heard they upgrade your pay after your each birthday. If so, if ur birthdays in a month or two after getting employed, would that mean they'd still upgrade it?
  15. p3rf3ction

    Student Amenities Fees

    the date to pay them by is march 11st dude, you got time man