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  1. J

    diary entries

    well, when i wrote my diary i did it in first person but i dont know the marking criteria to get the full marks i just dated the diary and stuck to the word limit it is not clear what they want
  2. J

    MY Marks, please tell me what u think ill get

    i think u would have gotten a uai in the 90s
  3. J

    2003 HSC Marks

    well done on your marks all of u u obviously have worked very hard....any tips for us??? *thought* if u all did so well the uai's will be higher for us...damn u smart people........ lol
  4. J

    is it 'Booga' or 'Boogie'?

    what brings on such a discussion??
  5. J

    crime - how it was marked this year

    Our year 12 2004 legal class were doing these questions in class they are very debatable as you can take it as more than one viewpoint our teacher marked some crime but he didnt tell us how he marked them...but hopefully for your sake it was easy marking
  6. J

    bad topics to choose??pls help....

    personally, even though i have not done the hsc (but im up next) the teachers told us to stay away from writing in the personas of teenagers, talking about school and the HSC......therefore lacking originality......i dont think they will mark too much down maybe one or two marks but who am i to...
  7. J

    RFTG: the bone people by keri hume

    i guess i better read it more than just once as keri hulme says in her preface: "to those used to one standard, this book may offer a taste passing strange, like the original mouthful of kina roe. Persist. Kina can become a favourite food."
  8. J

    New forums

    i have been using them already
  9. J

    Goodbye forums

    maybe we should have a thread for ourselveas in preserve the memories
  10. J


    can a person really sleep that much? hmmmmmmmm thats right hsc results for us come out 20th and uai 's on the 21st remember our hsc starts 18th october *scary*
  11. J

    usyd scholarship interviews

    can someone tell me how and when u have to apply to do a scholarship interview???
  12. J

    Helpful Website

    thanks for that really helpful added to my
  13. J

    RFTG: the bone people by keri hume

    hmmmm.....not a bad idea i think i might take up that advice...thanks rahul
  14. J

    English asses

    i just did my english speech yesterday we were only allowed half a page as a memory jogger(ie only a couple of points on it) but most people had written their speech back and front of it and just read
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    thanks for the luck.....but we cant help if we procrastinate
  16. J


    me too but i also have assesments!
  17. J

    New forums

    yep he is right............rahul getting your results on thursday ay?
  18. J

    how come.....

    maybe someone out there can explain something to me... i am not boasting or anything but................. how come at school when we do maths work i understand what is going on and when the teacher asks me questions in class i get them right, and when i do my homework i get it right and...
  19. J

    ISP help, and sample

    *woot* *woot* at our skool the isp was due on 11 dec I FINISHED AND
  20. J

    assessments over the holidays

    english-prepare for a reading assesment biology-family tree assesment and thats about it but i have to catch up on stuff especially english advanced and extension.. also the teachers are giving us work for the holidays i think the word holidays is gone it should be called catch up weeks