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  1. J

    The human story questions

    that dna dna hybridisation investigation was handed to us on a sheet ages ago and i said no i wasnt going to go over it and i didnt i got screwed so i bullshitted
  2. J

    DNA replication

    alot of people in our class wrote on protein synthesis i found myself doing the same then i sort of skewed my answer away from it i think i might get 1 out 3 for that part
  3. J

    punctuated equilibruim

    i understand what puntuated equilibrium is...just for clarification in relation to darwin's theory of gradualism is where i am having the is it saying that darwin believes that it occurs in long periods of time [formulating divergent and convergent evolution] whilst punctuated...
  4. J

    Attn All Human Storiers

    i rang up the advice line because i wasnt quite sure how to make it fit with my regional continuity argument and they said they didnt know :o does anyone have any ideas to help me out here :confused: thanks
  5. J


    isn't this dot point the one where you talk about deletions, insertions, substitutions of bases??
  6. J

    primate characteristics

    how much do you think is necessary to know about each primate per characteristic?
  7. J

    How do you sign up for SMS notification of our results?

    you can go to the students online website after nov 13 and edit your profile add your mobile number and your results will be sent to u [hopefully]
  8. J

    do you feel this years exam is easy?

    and whoever said "the trials are harder than the hsc" this has yet to be proven i am finding the exams quite how you say....shitty :uhhuh:
  9. J

    Which is your worst module?

    all of them :p
  10. J

    Have you started bio study?

    i have a general idea about the core and no idea about my option so i am screwed to the max although i will be cramming all weekend guess there will be no BoSing for me the next two days! see yous all in the exam thoughts forum next week goodluck studying :rolleyes:
  11. J

    Attn All Human Storiers

    yeh i read about this in the paper do u think after a couple of years of research they will add him to the syllabus???
  12. J

    Screw you, Seamus!

    NO MORE HEANEY THE DAMN IDIOT AND HIS STUPID BOG BODIES AND POTATOES!!! and most importantly NO MORE STUPID BONE PEOPLE AND JOE'S MASTURBATIONS AND KEREWINS ASEXULATILY sorry about the capitals it is a joyous occasion :D.......i failed i know i did
  13. J

    Module B - Elective 3: Retreat from the Global (Essay)

    that exam was a stupid exam....the picture confused me so i wrote about 12 pages of mindless dribble.....the creative writing i didn;t realise it had to be creative until the last five minutes so i shoved a speech intro and conclusion on my essay...lets just hope the bos reflect on my assessment...
  14. J

    less than 2 weeks to go and...

    i havent started yet i have a week to study before legal :p
  15. J

    New rep policy

    i still rep Huy :p
  16. J

    RFTG Paradigms Help and Questions

    this is my thousandth post *tear* anyway now to the more serious of my pieces of related material is of an american family going to live in africa for nine days in the desert they get there by aeroplane so would this be a reflection on a scientific paradigm???? :confused...
  17. J


    i was just studying now the transpiration and translocation plant stuff and i keep coming across the word cellulose can some one tell me what it is? is it the stuff that holds up the plant??? like gives it strength?? :confused:
  18. J

    Silly supervisors.

    they do warn u before you go in the exam...i think that it is justice enough :D
  19. J

    Is anyone here in your exam room?

    mine is 481 St Ursula's College Kingsgrove...the primary school next door are not allowed to play near the room...we heard them getting in trouble on the first day :p
  20. J

    The 2004 HSC - General Mathematics Paper

    the exam was alright...about the difficulty as the catholic trial