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  1. H

    How do I solve this problem?

    i highly recommend this
  2. H

    Cssa mx2

    wats the answer to the tent question
  3. H

    Q8 type questions

    does anyone know a book/site etc which has numerous q7/8 type questions to work through?
  4. H

    Reduction formula question from my trial

    Could you give the whole question? I want to try it
  5. H

    Conics Question (Max Area)

    edit oops misread post disregard what i said before for your question, you only use the smaller value of theta to find P because the limits on the question say 0 < theta < pi/2
  6. H

    question about writing logs in math

    when we write something with a log, do we write like 1 - ln (x+a) or 2 - ln lx+al
  7. H

    polynomials question

    you can also use this to find exact values for cos2pi/5 and cos 4pi/5
  8. H

    Complex numbers question

    are you sure the question is correct? I get the required for arg.(z^2-a^2); trying arg.(z^2-a) becomes a dead end
  9. H

    Economics Presentation

    That's what she said.
  10. H

    Inverse Functions Help!

    \\Q2:\\ \\LHS:\\ \\ Let\ x = \cos\alpha \\ = 2\cos^{-1}(\cos \alpha) \\ = 2\alpha \\ \\ RHS:\\ \\ =\cos^{-1}(2\cos^{2}\alpha -1)\\ =\cos^{-1}(\cos2\alpha )\\ = 2\alpha \\ =LHS\\ \\ \\ Q3:\\\\LHS:\\ \\ Let\\ a=\cos \alpha\\ and\\ b=\cos \beta \\ \\ =\cos^{-1}a+\cos^{-1}b\\ =\cos^{-1}(\cos...
  11. H

    Joke Answers in HSC

    In physics exam Question: how can UV rays be detected Friend : Magic spells