Search results

  1. M

    Second year student on YA, does the 2009 budget provide me with additional money?

    No-one gets anything until the Social Security Act gets changed. If you aren't getting the full amount of YA then you will get more based on the changed parental income limits and the more generous taper rate. Other than that you'll be able to earn more from 2011 without it affecting your...
  2. M

    Money to students due to $2.3Bil donated to Uni's during stimulus package.

    Centrelink will turn you down because as a 2008 school leaver you wouldn't be eligible for YA under that provision until May 2010 as you have to have been out of school for 18 months to be eligible. They don't approve applications that are over 13 weeks from being eligibile. If the Federal...
  3. M

    People Involved In The ADF Gap Year Program

    People did it for Youth Allowance eligibility. If the budget gets voted through, just watch the Govt change the program to the 18 months fulltime work that will be required from next year to be eligible for Youth Allowance. :rolleyes:
  4. M


    You start by becoming a Foreign Affairs and Trade Officer either through a graduate program or general recruitment. There are heaps of degree courses that will meet the selection criteria for DFAT, and preference is definitely for those graduates who have Honours Degrees. Check this link for...
  5. M

    What type of civil engineering??

    That's because it is only in it's second year this year. All new engineering degrees (ie these that haven't yet had any graduates) are subject to continuing consultation with EA and industry groups, and final approval doesn't happen until there actually are graduates. They are very heavily...
  6. M

    What type of civil engineering??

    Maybe that is the way it is done at UTS but it isn't the way it was done at a his uni. He did the same maths, the same statics, the same strength of materials, same structural design, same geology, same modelling and analysis etc. You only need to look at the subject requirements of the course I...
  7. M

    What type of civil engineering??

    And once you begin an architecture degree you will see just how many civil engineering subjects are necessary. Just because civil engs don't necessarily do much architectural design, doesn't mean that architects don't have to au fait with civil and structural engineering. I'd be interested...
  8. M

    What type of civil engineering??

    Really? Adelaide University offers a course Bachelor of Engineering in Architectural Engineering B.E(ArEng). The base is civil engineering with added design subjects filling the remainder of the course requirements. Bachelor of Engineering in Architectural Engineering | Programs and Courses...
  9. M

    Job Prospects

    Perhaps you are just being too narrow in your grad applications. It also really pays to remember that in tough times (and we are in tough financial times), P's might get degrees, but they won't necessarily be enough to land grad jobs. Which companies and govt depts have you actually applied...
  10. M

    is this true / common?

    Qld has what ... 25 different OP ranks. Given that the other states all have about 280 different ranks they don't have to rely on field positions. It is usually all of a specific rank or none of them that get in. Certain schools within unis will just juggle the figures around to take in extras...
  11. M

    Which engo is best?

    Not sure why you thought this a relevant article at all. :confused: Not a word of it mentions Mining Engineers who are in short supply to the industry. I haven't heard word of a single mining engineer getting retrenched, even though retrenchments are currently running high. Mining Engineers in...
  12. M

    Engineering and Commerce?

    Who told you that? There are much better ways to get into management than a double undergraduate degree. Ask the kind of companies you'd hope to work for later on and see what they have to say on the subject.
  13. M

    Physicist Vs Engineer (Salary)

    Just goes to show what leaving out a lower case "k" does to the meaning of a post. ;)
  14. M

    Physicist Vs Engineer (Salary)

    You could earn that in just a few days at Maccas. :haha:
  15. M

    Missed on campus accommodation??

    Put the pressure on them Hagaren. My brother was offered half-price accomodation just yesterday if he transferred from Adelaide to Newcastle Uni. He still wants to know where they got the information to call him up, because he has never applied to any uni out of SA, and certainly not this year...
  16. M

    Information on Accommodation

    Target sell King Single sheets. Just buy a Double or Queen Quilt and cover, depending on how much you like to wrap up in the cold.
  17. M


    Cables and piping . . . you know for things like power, hot water, gas, airconditioning. D'Oh I very much doubt that home building is the kind of infurstructure[sic] Musk was talking about.
  18. M


    And where is all the steel and copper going to come from? :p
  19. M


    Not likely in the long term. The mining lifestyle can be great for singles if you make the effort to be part of the community, but most marriages don't survive once the kids come along. FIFO or resident, doesn't seem to matter when it comes to divorce rates. That isn't what I want for my future.
  20. M


    Seems more like paranoia. ;) Bekhit, what aspect of mining engineering interests you enough to consider it as a future career? I ask because in my experience those that get to the point of course selection that don't already know what is involved in the job, probably aren't interested enough...