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  1. H

    Finding the greatest term in binomial expansions HELP NEEDED!

    no because after the maximum term the terms will fall in value
  2. H

    Another Question

    do you have anger problems
  3. H

    When MX2 Gets Very Hard

    ur shit
  4. H

    Permutations and Combinations question

    because youre on this p_n denotes the number of ways in which 2n distinct items can be paired off (order unimportant) obv p_1=1 explain why p_2 =3 and deduce that p_n = \frac{(2n)!}{2^n(n!)}
  5. H

    Partial Fractions

    ok soz best to know it
  6. H

    Permutations and Combinations question

    _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 spaces to be filled if first is B; 1 x 5! c; 1 x 4 x 4! D; 1 x 4 x 4! etc until F then add the no of ways = 5! +4(4x4!)
  7. H

    Partial Fractions

    its not really because they give you the partial fraction expansion
  8. H

    Permutations and Combinations question

    is the answer 504?
  9. H

    Economics Marathon

    when money is injected into the economy, the effect isnt one off, because when the money is spent on whatever, the person receiving the money doesnt save all of it. This person will save some of it (measured by MPS) and spend the rest (MPC), and the person who receives this money does the same...
  10. H

    whats a good score for the 2003 paper?

    yea the last one was so much writing so I didnt have time to go back and finish the ones i couldnt do
  11. H

    whats a good score for the 2003 paper?

    nah i could do the last one it was the other questions i couldnt finish
  12. H

    whats a good score for the 2003 paper?

    regular test conditions
  13. H

    whats a good score for the 2003 paper?

    last q is prove pi is irrational with the big reduction
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    whats a good score for the 2003 paper?

    what were the top scores that year
  15. H

    how hard do you think this years multiple choice will be?

    bos is trying to get people to write shorter essays cause they want it all on one big sheet to scan or something i was told that the reason mc was more complex last year was so people spent more time on it and had less time to do their extended
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    Economics Marathon

    page 33
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    atar estimate before exams

    ok thanks but why do estimates vary so greatly from time to time cause I remember posting a while back and remember getting 94 - 96 or something
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    fobs dont know the difference between food and not food
  19. H

    atar estimate before exams

    just wondering Economics - 9/46 l 89/100 Business Studies - 1/44 l 88/100 confident for low 90s in external Maths extension 2 - 1/21 l 108/120 Maths extension 1 - 2/55 l 80/84 English Adv - 25/70 l 72/105 hopefully 80+/105 lol all trials were independent and school rank is around 120