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  1. H

    Section IV - Extended Response

    ithe question asked for both i did q28 but i was tossing up between the two for a while
  2. H

    Section IV - Extended Response

    Re: extended response trol!!1!
  3. H

    Section II - Short Answer

    yew i thought the marketing question was hardest cause it was kind of specific in asking how everything could help them determine their target market what did you put down?
  4. H

    Section II - Short Answer

    ill just type my answer lol managers can resolve a conflict by adopting a variety of managerial roles. Take for example, if employers decided to retrench part of its workforce and employees resisted this change. Firstly, a manager could perform an informational role in acting as a disseminator...
  5. H

    Section II - Short Answer

    idk i didnt just use that i used first informational and said disseminator then went on and said decisional and said negotiator and kind of summarised
  6. H

    Economics Marathon

    1. the rate of unemployment at which there is zero cyclical unemployment. the remainging rate is made up of structural, seasonal, frictional etc forms of unemployment which will always exist. its now nairu in the syllabus though natural rate has been crossed out 2. -imposing tax on pollution...
  7. H

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    itt people who cant accept theyre wrong
  8. H

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    legal framework of employment • the employment contract — common law (rights and obligations of employers and employees), statutes, awards, agreements straight out of the syllabus
  9. H

    Section IV - Extended Response

    Re: extended response why didnt many people pick 28
  10. H

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: General Thoughts: Business Studies if you have the jacaranda book, page 407
  11. H

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: General Thoughts: Business Studies eeo includes recruitment, selection, training and promotion
  12. H

    General Thoughts: Business Studies

    why didnt people bring the paper with them supervisors said you can take anything that isnt a writing booklet
  13. H

    General Thoughts: Business Studies

    cash flow statement shows cash inflow and outflow nothing to do with expenses and sales it is liquidity
  14. H

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: General Thoughts: Business Studies check if you brought the paper home d b d c c b a c d c a b c d a b d a b a
  15. H

    HSC Mathematics Marathon

    list out 3>2 4>2 ... n>2 multiply 3x4x...xn>2^(n-2) 1x2x3x....xn>2^(n-1) he just did it in one step
  16. H

    HSC Mathematics Marathon

    whats qed
  17. H

    HSC Mathematics Marathon

    its doable
  18. H

    Economics vs. Modern history

    drop general and do both
  19. H


    what the hell did the letter say
  20. H

    HSC Mathematics Marathon

    show that \frac{1}{n!}<\frac{1}{2^{n-1}} for all n\geq 3 without the use of induction