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  1. W

    LAN PROXY problem! Can't get rid of it!

    So basically in my Internet Properties > Connections Tab > Lan Settings , the proxy server is always activated and I have no idea what has caused this... It's been around doing this for a while but now its giving me the shits because when I try update something or go on itunes it can't update it...
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    Impact of DET laptops

    I believe the ATAR average will drop because I don't believe computers are a good learning device as the information doesn't sink in (And you can play games xD) and only should be used for researching things in class.
  3. W

    Ways which you make study notes are made

    Hand write notes for every syllabus dot point and then summaries by typing when you get some time. That's what I'll be doing anyway just gotta stop procrastinating god dammit, its a killer!
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    Biki Redirection Problem

    Re: Why do I automatically get sent to the biki page?! :S Problem has been reported here Same thing happening to you?
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    BIG dilemma

    I hated Ancient so very much, so I dropped it at the start of this term making 10 units. I love all my other subjects except boring English. My word of advice for your situation is, Yes Senior Science scales horribly but you enjoy it much more then ancient, keep it and drop the dreaded ancient...
  6. W

    Detailed vs Brief notes

    I dunno kinda both for me. Math: Brief with Example. Chemistry: Detailed notes and then sum up. Biology: Detailed, May sum up in holidays. Food Tech: Detailed in Point Form I have a book for each and then I'll probably sum up by typing as I find it easier if I have time..
  7. W

    Most Common & Random Forms of Procrastination (2012)

    Common: Fucking YouTube! You see all those side videos and you just can't resist the temptation... I go on to see one uploaded video from a subscription and I end up watching like 20! Luckily I have found the wonderful program of Cold-turkey! Also, Getting up to eat food is common when I just...
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    Job Hunting Failing~~

    It's not bad, it's horrible xD Most definetley haha, Especially when Crissy Casual positions come available!
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    General Thoughts: Food Technology

    Anyone have a copy of the paper?
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    Changing subject levels..?

    If you wanted to do that, I think you need to go to TAFE.. It's too hard man! Just do mathematics and then if your finding it to difficult drop to General :D
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    why do my hands keep shaking?

    This might be a strange question but do you sweat a lot when your not doing anything..?
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    why do my hands keep shaking?

    Is there any other "symptoms" your having like headaches, pins and needles or feeling dizzy, or is it only the hands?
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    why do my hands keep shaking?

    Have you been doing weights or any heavy lifting and how long has this persisted?
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    atar estimate please!!

    Just have a look here.. I know its not the 2011 one but it'll give us an idea!
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    Writing or Typing Notes

    I write my syllabus dot point notes in my study book that I have for each subject. I type the dot points up for that section and cut them out and stick them in obviously before I write the answer out! I write the dot point answer out and I am considering doing a typed copy just incase!
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    Help! Belonging!!

    This is actually a great idea! I have too do some related texts to hand in :) .
  17. W

    General 2013 HSC advice and help

    I'm just making notes for every dot point in the syllabus when learned that afternoon and ticking them off as I go ;) . I'm doing these ones detailed and I'll re-read them every so often. For me, everyday it takes around 2 hours + Homework! It's not hard just very time consuming and remember you...
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    USYD is the one that needs 99.95 ATAR, but UNSW's cut off for Med is 96.0 . But there is one...

    USYD is the one that needs 99.95 ATAR, but UNSW's cut off for Med is 96.0 . But there is one setback. The lower your ATAR the higher percentile in UMAT you have to have! Read this:
  19. W

    help jst skipped entire section of exam

    Re: So many people keep saying they only take your best 2 sections out of 3 for Engli I couldn't agree more.. For anyone that actually reads the front of the paper, it clearly says that all 3 sections are worth 15 marks..