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  1. HecticSandWitch

    Avoiding careless mistakes

    Fuark I use this technique too are we solemates?????
  2. HecticSandWitch

    Unfair financial treatment by my parents?? Means test failure.

    Once I turn 18 I don't expect shit. What right do I deserve, I'll be an adult and should be paying my own way.
  3. HecticSandWitch

    Unfair financial treatment by my parents?? Means test failure.

    Move in with me kuromusha, I need that centrelink $$$
  4. HecticSandWitch

    What is each uni good for?

    Can someone pls review my first preference of open universities online???? thnx!!!
  5. HecticSandWitch

    Is anybody else feeling super sentimental?

    No lol, school is school. Very indifferent to leaving- Looking forward to HSC finishing but that's about it.
  6. HecticSandWitch

    Days off possible?

    Can't be done: people post the exams up almost immediately after they're finished so you'd have a massiv advantage. While it does suck, all you can do is study really hard for it and do the best with the cards you've been dealt. But TBH, it's not like you should be studying at that point: you...
  7. HecticSandWitch

    Universities with courses for creative arts (Film)

    At film school, your goal is not to make quality films that get your name out there, it's to give you the necessary skills to make the quality films in the first place. I'm almost certain that the quality of film education will be far higher at a dedicated film school then at a university.
  8. HecticSandWitch

    Awkward tutoring situation PT. 2

    Onus is on you not to fail. You can have all the tutoring in the world with the best students but if you're not passing it's because you're not doing enough work. Put in the work first and the results will come.
  9. HecticSandWitch

    Awkward tutoring situation!?

    I also think you should make the switch. You're not doing the HSC to make friends, you're there to do the best you can.
  10. HecticSandWitch

    Universities with courses for creative arts (Film)

    I know you specifically said you weren't interested in going to a film school but I strongly think you should reconsider. As far as I am aware, production companies actually prefer it if you majored at a film school as it is a more hands on, practical approach. Is there any reason why you would...
  11. HecticSandWitch

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I'm friends with the son of an HSC marker and she recommended I did this as I always finished with like 20 seconds left. As long as a conclusion is there they can't mark you down, although I go for two sentences to be safe.
  12. HecticSandWitch

    Newspaper viewing in relation to prefered party

    Thank you, I need more external validation like this!!
  13. HecticSandWitch

    I just found out you can edit titles by double clicking their name on the thread list

    Re: So.. fellow 15'ers, what after HSC? If you want to freelance then do it man! You think those coders were in it for the $$$? OFC not, but by pursuing an area that they enjoy, they became good at it, because it's easy to work at something you love to do! Once you become 'good' at something...
  14. HecticSandWitch

    I just found out you can edit titles by double clicking their name on the thread list

    Re: So.. fellow 15'ers, what after HSC? The two things I've bolded are contradictory. If you don't care about monetary value then you are more inclined to work in a field you are passionate about, because accomplishing a task is the reward! If you don't care about monetary value then why...
  15. HecticSandWitch

    I just found out you can edit titles by double clicking their name on the thread list

    Re: So.. fellow 15'ers, what after HSC? A week after HSC finishes I have an overseas uni exam and then after that I'm planning on working as a christmas casual. Hopefully I'll get to take a gap year, if I make the overseas uni I get a whole year off plus I'll defer to spend another year...
  16. HecticSandWitch

    I just found out you can edit titles by double clicking their name on the thread list

    Re: So.. fellow 15'ers, what after HSC? This. Money doesn't mean anything if you spend your life slaving away doing something you're barely interested in. Do something you're passionate about and the money will come.