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  1. R

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    ive gotten to the point, where I just dont care anymore
  2. R

    Looking for study buddy :D

    idk if i want to meet eyeseeyou
  3. R

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    plz tell me hsc chem is better than prelim chem
  4. R

    Is 99+ achievable

    Can't see it happening
  5. R

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Lol what the phuck, got a bit too much time on your hands there
  6. R

    Elite Athlete and performers Points

    Hey guys, I had a question regarding the EAP scheme. I play for a u20 team in this competition . Kind of a silly question, but better safe than sorry This should fit the criteria, right ? National Premier league = Member of...
  7. R

    That feel when no gf.

    you must be fun at parties
  8. R

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    i do this with my girlfriends all the time
  9. R

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    I think you're either a night or day person, it's kind of difficult to adjust. I guess try to go sleep earlier, so you don't go into night owl mode and maybe you would feel more motivated when you wake up fresh in the morning.
  10. R

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    strong this. brb going to ask you out, but play the friend zone card if things go wrong. dam society
  11. R

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    gonna start tomorrow :]
  12. R

    Would i receive bonus marks for going to this disadvantaged school lmao ? You need to apply, but where did you get 2 from ? As far as I am aware, the number of points you get is not certain edit : Does anyone know approx how many points UNSW would give for a socio-economic disadvantaged school ?
  13. R

    What are your tutoring horror stories?

    wtf, id drop his arse if he did that shit to me
  14. R

    Want to drop ext 1 maths :(

    That depends on the course you are doing, some courses require very minimal levels of math.
  15. R

    PDHPE aligning.

    High 80s is not required for a band 6, if you got about 85% raw, that should be fine. State rank, I would say 97+
  16. R

    Would i receive bonus marks for going to this disadvantaged school lmao ?

    You brought up the bonus points, does this mean you are going to apply for EAS as well ?