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  1. J

    The Calm Before The Storm...

    After today, it's satisfying knowing that all my belonging notes will be burnt ;)
  2. J

    First day hsc. Left out creative. Im screwed arent i?

    They count all 3, otherwise it would such a waste of time. BTW how did you manage to only write a paragraph for creative? Time management issue?
  3. J

    Section 3 - Extended Response

    I'm pretty sure they won't mark the 2nd related. On topic, I found section 3 really easy to relate to my text! All I had to argue that it was only through her choice that influences her sense of belonging, not the attitudes of others :D
  4. J

    The HSC isn't everything - goodluck and any last words

    Gonna be dreading the first week but after, it will be so much more relaxed.
  5. J

    Economic Essay Predictions

    +1, but just make sure the made up statistics are realistic ;)
  6. J

    Increased school leaving age - participation rate/unemployment

    Yes, in this situation, you would see a decrease in the participation rate (those who participate in the workforce, both employed and unemployed but seeking work). This is because students are not counted in the unemployment statistics, as they do not fit the definition of unemployed, which is...
  7. J

    Screwed for English

    Of course! It's all about the right attitude. You will be fine, trust me :)
  8. J

    Screwed for English

    You are not screwed and it's not too late since the content in year 11 differs in year 12. Just make sure you actually listen in class, do the work, get a tutor if you want, and PRACTICE a load of essays and give it to your teacher to mark. You have plenty of time to get better at English don't...
  9. J

    The multiplier help

    The multiplier process occurs because an initial injection causes a new wave of spending. This injection causes extra money to flow throughout the economy and this leads to a rise in consumption, increasing aggregrate demand. As a result, national income increases. For example, if the...
  10. J

    [Free] English Essays (Skrzynecki, Frankenrunner, Speeches & JC)

    YES! Need the inspiration!! Although the only common text is Frank Blade :haha:
  11. J

    Can there be a question in the HSC which...

    I doubt they will ask you a question specific on one trade agreement. The question would normally be like: Discuss how one trade agreement has contributed to economic growth in Australia.
  12. J

    After today...

    Going to the library all week = Extreme PRODUCTIVITY!!
  13. J

    Economics HSC marathon

    Headline inflation measures the level of prices overtime and takes into account 'one-off' price changes. However, underlying inflation takes headline inflation and removes 'one off' price changes, creating a accurate measurement of inflation in the economy, thus, being a less volatile rate of...