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  1. melanieeestroll

    UAI predict?? plz

    yes it is possible. just continue the good work. :)
  2. melanieeestroll

    No more DFEE??

    Re: No more DFEE!? less funding = less places = less supply.
  3. melanieeestroll

    No more DFEE??

    Re: No more DFEE!? lower cut offs are only temporary if the uni can't fund the places.
  4. melanieeestroll

    What UAI would you be content/happy with?

    whats the point of having a goal if its that easy to achieve. but then again whats the use of having a goal if its too unrealistic. its best to have a balance.
  5. melanieeestroll

    high paying jobs

    of course it differs depending on situation... but i would think lawyers and engineering...
  6. melanieeestroll

    What UAI would you be content/happy with?

    yes they base the level of hecs you pay according to national priority
  7. melanieeestroll

    What UAI would you be content/happy with?

    why not? there is one problem with that. most universities (if not all) don't offer a double degree in med/ed and actuary/ed. if you know of one please feel free to prove me wrong. getting a job is dependant on a range of factors not just the degree you have. yes teaching is a national...
  8. melanieeestroll

    UAC number`

    your careers adviser wouldn't have a clue.
  9. melanieeestroll

    What UAI would you be content/happy with?

    thats easy do med/actuary then do a dip ed afterwards. :)
  10. melanieeestroll

    Will Textiles bring my UAI down

    congrats. :)
  11. melanieeestroll

    The School Certificate!

    thats pretty much the same as the HSC.
  12. melanieeestroll

    Procrastinon due to lack of motivation

    sometimes you wonder if it is worth pulling off an all nighter or just not handing it in and being penalised 10% each day. if you pull an all nighter then the chances are it isn't the best you can do.
  13. melanieeestroll

    What marks will get me a UAI of 85+%

    what rank is your school? so far you still have a chance but in my opinion you may have to push those ranks and marks a little more higher. dont give up though. :)
  14. melanieeestroll


    yes i say drop it. its better to drop it now than later when the chances are you still find that youre struggling.
  15. melanieeestroll

    Procrastinon due to lack of motivation

    i hate all nighters but sometimes there is no choice. :(
  16. melanieeestroll

    The School Certificate!

    it may be useless but its still good to do anyway.