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  1. W

    <20mins for a response!! UAC!!

    USYD has better rep for science as far as I know, and they probably won't take your first semester results into consideration unless you've done at least a full year of study. It also would have been wiser to have a second backup preference rather than nothing, even if it's just the standard B...
  2. W

    Arts Subject Scaling

    Aye, they're definitely not going to scale you down to a fail. They want you to do well, but they sometimes have to scale people down if everybody gets hd's and distinctions.
  3. W


    I think it depends on the uni, but they'll probably only take your ATAR into consideration if you haven't done a full year. Maybe look into deferring or studying part-time for your second semester. I personally failed my maths for first semester engineering, dropped to part-time and easily...
  4. W

    transferring and grade averages.

    I'm fairly certain that they'll only take your ATAR/UAI if you haven't done an entire full-time year, so maybe consider dropping down to 3 subjects next semester (which is still not part-time). I did that last year and easily transferred to a new course for this year.
  5. W

    Frank Stillwell

    I don't actually study ECOP, but I went to his lecture and saw the glasses stunt. 'twas rather exciting.
  6. W

    mid-year transfer

    uac -> that way
  7. W

    Mid-Year Admissions

    You can major in HR under an arts degree, but it's a table B subject, which you can only study if you've got something from table A. Units of Study - Course Info for Current Students - The University of Sydney Good luck though.
  8. W

    ATAR estimate please???

    Didn't your teachers tell you "preliminary is over, HSC begins now"?
  9. W

    Mid-Year Admissions

    HR isn't an arts of science major, you need a table A major before it can be counted. 4.625 would still be a pass I'm afraid, you'd need 5+ for a credit. Why not wait until the end of the year, or just defer your studies for second semester?
  10. W

    Mid-Year Admissions

    I really don't think you can raise that to a distinction over just one semester, but good luck. New course doesn't mean it's easier to get into. I applied for one which only had a quote of 5 people and the cut-off ended up being 97. Anyway, on the course page it says "2010 ATAR cut-off 75.00"...
  11. W

    Software Engineering vs. IT

    That would be Computer Engineering.
  12. W

    Software Engineering vs. IT

    I concur. Engineering and UNSW is a pretty deadly combination.
  13. W

    Mid-Year Admissions

    I'm not sure if USYD will take half-GPA/half-UAI or only your GPA, but hopefully it's the latter in your case. Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management is not a primary arts subject at USYD methinks. You can still major in it, but you'll need something else to go along with it. Take...
  14. W

    Which one?

    If you can't get in, do what everyone else does and start with arts then transfer. Either way, International Studies is basically the same thing but with a different name. Although apparently MACQ and UTS are more happy to send you overseas on exchange and help you out. MACQ also offers a good...
  15. W

    Which one?

    I'd personally go with MACQ out of those two options. Have you considered USYD?
  16. W

    Summer school for fast-tracking Arts?

    I don't think it's worth it. It's only three years, so you might as well enjoy doing what you want while it lasts. I'm personally adding an extra year onto my degree and only doing 3 subjects at a time, at least for the moment.
  17. W

    Can someone help me with something?

    Don't worry about fees. Come to USYD, enjoy three years of arts doing what you want to do, then figure the rest out later.
  18. W

    Can someone help me with something?

    Are you an international student or something?
  19. W

    suit up

    Nobody in my arts-ish classes wore a suit today, and all I managed to do was a wear a collared shirt.