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  1. supR

    Can i bounce back?

    I'll try to answer all of your questions as best as I can. To answer the title, of course you can. You are in prelim, now is the time to screw up and learn from it. "Should I just move on and start studying now for term 3 exams?" No, this will come back to haunt you. It is IMPERATIVE that you...
  2. supR

    HSC Study Lab: Valuable asset or another uni money grab?

    I've made a post on this previously, but I can't remember where it is. Point is, you can get HSC Study Lab for FREE with a membership to any library. So with that in mind, I would say it is worth it. I use it on the occasion for physics as it is pretty detailed and insightful, and can be a...
  3. supR

    Platnium Inert Electrode

    My friend recently reminded me of this, and it rang some bells from lessons in class when we covered it but I failed to make notes on it. Does anyone know the importance of the Platinum electrode being inert for the purposes of the HSC. How does this change the function of the cell? Thanks
  4. supR

    How to Stop/Reduce the Number of Stupid/Careless Mistakes?

    I feel as though this is an age old question that will persist until the end of time. The unanswerable, almost seemingly unavoidable "Silly mistakes." I will, however, try to shed some light on how you can decrease your chances of making one of these "silly mistakes." Practice doing...
  5. supR


    ( 9C4 x 5C4 ) / 2 for the first option because you could pick the same teams in different orders. For second q, person A and B can't be together. Assume you have picked person A, and not person B. Therefore ( 7C3 x 5C4 ) / 2 I think those are correct, not entirely sure if you have to...
  6. supR

    Hardest Questions In HSC maths?

    1989 is so hard to understand, at one point it feels like subbing in numbers and the next it feels beyond the syllabus Reading it gave me a headache :(
  7. supR

    Need Advice - UTS for Software Engineering?

    USYD is close to UTS as well, legit 5 extra minutes so it's a good commute Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. supR

    failed prelim ext1 maths exam?

    Considering you are in your preliminary year of the HSC, "failing" isn't necessarily a bad thing. Failure is the best teacher, success normally just results in you performing the same thing over because it worked last time, but there is no guarantee that it always win. In regards specifically...
  9. supR

    90+ atar

    It will be extremely difficult if allllll your subjects received a 50% or less, but I would assume it IS possible with the right parameters.
  10. supR

    6 Mark Question

    Comparing polyethylene and polystyrene or PVC etc can be a common 4 marker, if not 5 marks. Calculations involving mass changes or finding the volume of something are typically 3-4 marks as well.
  11. supR

    Is year 12 Hard ?

    Year 12 should technically be the hardest year of your schooling. There are high expectations, and a lot of work is required. However, "hard" is relative, and depends on what you are looking for. If you only want a 60 atar for example, then objectively that is not as hard to achieve as a 99...
  12. supR

    Comeback stories

    Got between 45% and 71% for all my maths exams from Yr 9 sem2 to Yr 10 sem2 (And I was trying hard in Yr 10) Kept going and improving my study strategy and focus in class. Got 90%+ in all my 2u and 3u exams in Yr 11, came second in 3u overall. Now I am yet to get 90% in 3u or 4u in Yr 12 D:
  13. supR

    UTS Law

    Kinda interested as to how you knew my name ahah (Must of wrote it somewhere on this site)
  14. supR

    MX1 and EX1 Scaling --> This may help I reckon MX1 could be beneficial if you actually enjoy it, and try hard to improve your mark/rank
  15. supR

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    happy with MX2, English MX1 was a let down, and so was physics
  16. supR

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    How have timetables been for everyone? From the subjects listed in my signature, I'm reasonably happy as the closest 2 exams get is 1 day apart, 30th for MX1 and 1st for Physics I feel bad for my friend though, as she has Week 2: Tue - Ancient | Wed - Bio | Thurs - Genny maths | Fri - Ext...
  17. supR

    UTS Law

    My school definitely won't be e12. Is there good reason to do say B Eco / B Compsci at usyd for 95 (I think) and then transfer to a different course? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. supR

    UTS Law

    Was just wondering if anyone had any experience or knowledge on UTS Law, and UTS in general. Having a 96~ cutoff, I feel as though it is achievable for me compared to the 99.5 USYD has to offer ahaha Is there any possibility in future as well for a transfer to USYD Law? Sent from my iPhone...
  19. supR

    is there any hope to get a 92 atar?

    Yeah Lumenoria and Xionel are correct, use the "bad mark" as motivation to work harder and crush the rest of your legal, eco and pe assessments!
  20. supR

    App of Calc constant

    When integrating in App of Calc, and you get a constant, +C, do you have to define this constant as an element of the real numbers? Or is this not required?