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  1. ~shinigami~

    All I can say it is F**K! Why does English have to affect our UAIs so much, I've droped from 15/15s to 12/15s and I can't overcome this wall. My UAI will be so bad. :(
  2. ~shinigami~

    Gap Year and Exchanges?

    Thanks answering my query Frigid. I'm pretty sure you're rigt because that's what I thought as well but I was hoping that I was wrong.
  3. ~shinigami~

    Gap Year and Exchanges?

    Is it possible to do a Uni exchange during a Gap Year and would it be through your University?
  4. ~shinigami~

    Elastic and Inelastic collisions - Question.

    Thanks for confirming that rama. :) I was getting worried about using the wrong formula.
  5. ~shinigami~

    Moving About - problem/question. Help please. :)

    And it's a pleasure to be helped by someone great! :)
  6. ~shinigami~

    Moving About - problem/question. Help please. :)

    Ok. Thank you once again Riviet. I forgot to add the 0.5x20m...:p I've seen you answer quite a few questions on Physics and I'm really grateful for that. :D From looking at things, I guess you'll do really well in the HSC as it looks like you have everything down pat. :)
  7. ~shinigami~

    Moving About - problem/question. Help please. :)

    I got 995m as well. :) So far the textbook hasn't had many wrong answers, including this, it would have 2 wrong but I haven't done many questions yet. :) Textbooks inevitably have wrong answers so I'll take your answer then. :) EDIT: Actually, I got 985m...where did I go wrong? :(
  8. ~shinigami~

    Elastic and Inelastic collisions - Question.

    So is the formula I wrote at the top still right?
  9. ~shinigami~

    Moving About - problem/question. Help please. :)

    A brand new Rolls Royce rolls off the back of a truck as it is being delivered to its owner. It lands on its wheels. The truck is travelling along a straight road at a constant speed of 20m.s-1. The Rolls Royce slows down at a constant rate, coming to a stop over a distance of 240m. It is a full...
  10. ~shinigami~

    Stuck with the same subjects till the end, any regrets?

    uh oh, I did that just last week for Chem. :uhoh: I felt like shit the next day...I'm never doin it again...maybe...:p
  11. ~shinigami~

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    I hate older guys stealing our girls. *cough* Yr12's *Cough*
  12. ~shinigami~

    Elastic and Inelastic collisions - Question.

    Thanks for the reply and link rama V. :)
  13. ~shinigami~

    Elastic and Inelastic collisions - Question.

    Thank You Big Bear for confirming the elastic collision formula and thank you for showing me the inelastic formula. Also for inelastic, can I just use the elastic formula and show that initial KE does not equal final KE therefore inelastic?
  14. ~shinigami~

    Elastic and Inelastic collisions - Question.

    How would I show, using formulae and such to show that a collision is elastic or inelastic? I know that an elastic collision conserves Kenetic Energy so would it be something like this: ½m1u12 + ½m2u22 = ½m1v12 + ½m2v22 Thank You in advance. :)
  15. ~shinigami~

    HSC Timetable

    Do the BoS usually try to spead similar subjects out such as Biology, Chemistry and Physics every year?
  16. ~shinigami~

    Elements and Compounds found in Coal and Crude Oil?

    I already looked at the wiki page on Coal, that's where I got the elements found in Coal. I guess what I found is as specific as I can be. I'll try searching for crude oil as petroleum. Thank you once again for helping me out with a question. :)
  17. ~shinigami~

    Elements and Compounds found in Coal and Crude Oil?

    I've been trying to answer a question on what elements and compounds are found in Coal, Natural Gas and Crude Oil. I've found sufficent information to answer the question for Natural Gas but I'm having trouble with Coal and Crude Oil. The problem is that most sources are so vague such as for...
  18. ~shinigami~

    A leaf distilled in salt water - Question.

    Thank you so much for answering my query Survivor39. Well, from looking at your answer, I'm getting no marks for that question because I didn't mention anything remotely close to your answer. :(
  19. ~shinigami~

    A leaf distilled in salt water - Question.

    This is a question in my recent Biology assessment that just got me stumped and I'm just wondering what would've been the answer to it. What differences are there between a leaf distilled in salt water and a leaf distilled in water when you look at them under a microscope? Thanks in...
  20. ~shinigami~

    Circle Geometry & Polynomials notes/quetions please? :)

    Thanks Riviet, I'll do a search right now and take a break from making flashcards for Circle Geometry. :)